Mini-Moot (Level 55 & Under / Tuesdays)
Will the mini-moot still be on Tuesday this week, or will it be shifted due to the holiday? I personally wouldn't mind if it got shifted to Wednesday night, but I know that might just cause a scheduling problem for everyone else.

I happen to like roasted red meat and fireworks way more than WoW, is all.
Aye Waka....*NOTE the announcements section I created at the top of the post. I will put updates and announcements there from week to week.

This week we will cancel due to the Holiday but will regroup next week at the normal time.

Have a nice holiday everyone :-)

Sing True Ironsong!
My RL schedule is going to be hectic for the next few weeks so I do not forsee being reliable about my Tuesday events. This is further complicated because I changed jobs and can't get to this website from work (for some reason it always times out) so I have a hard time advising everyone at the last minute. For now I think its best not to plan on it and I wanted to give everyone a heads up. Nights when I am home I will run it as usual but if I don't make it by 5 then please be advised that it will not run. Nights when I am home I will continue to run it as usual.

I am still looking for an assistant to help run the event. If I ever find someone and we can swap off that will keep it if anyone is interested let me know. Otherwise I will likely not be running for a few weeks and will try to resume in the fall sometime after labor day.

thanks all

Sing True Ironsong!
Tuesday nights are pretty good for me, but I would have to start at 7PM. Have to get the little one in bed first!

Oh, and the work thing... it is the firewall. I have the same problem with the firewall at work. The non-standard port 10152 is the issue, ours bans all ports above 64K I think.
I had read your post here and spoke with Sound about the idea and we decided that it would be a good thing to help out whenever we can if Dispaya can't be there. She will be making a post of her own I think, but I'd like to announce that I'm willing to help since I think there is a great value in this event and would really hate to see it end. On the nights when Dispaya is available, I'd still like to take part in the Mini-moots myself playing Tybirius. But whenever needed, Ulfric will be there to help out. Big Grin

[Image: 18177.jpg]
Dispaya, I would be honored to help out and offer my assistance to the tribe in this way. Please don't hesitate to ask me for a hand! I'm on either Sound or Almyra quite frequently and whether it be helping out with the mini-moots or attending them, I'm all in - Ulfric (as you saw) included. If you let him or I know before hand, I don't see there being any issues with us running/cohosting the event in your abscence. I actually think it would be a lot of fun! Smile Let us know, will you?

- Sound
A key point is that Dispaya may not always be able to let folks know she isn't going to be able to make it Tuesdays. I suggest if you are interested in being a fallback for Minimoot that you head for the meeting location at the specified time and just take over the reins if Dispaya doesn't appear. Not that you are responsible for doing so, just suggesting the best way to help given the circumstances.

"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris
Aye, that was what we had planned actually. We'll be there to help make sure things get going and if it turns out that Dispaya can make it, then we'd still be willing to take part ourselves using our alts. More than anything, we just want to be able to help out and give something back to the Tribe. Thank you for the input Tae.

- Ulfric
[Image: 18177.jpg]
(Aye...Shillatae is right. I am having a problem knowing in advance right now, and also with letting others know.)

Ulfric and Sound...I thank you and graciously accept your offer of help. Perhaps by working together we can keep this event going for everyone. If I am not online by the appointed time (5:00) please feel free to take over and run the event as best you can.
Here are a few pointers to help:

-Group members by approximate level.

-Call for level 60's who want to help.

-I generally only assign 1 level 60 to a some cases 2. The idea is not to leave players bored, but to give them help. In some cases speeding through an instance for loot helps more than taking several hours, but it also depends on the players. I usually describe this as "raiding the instance" in a similar way to how lvl 60's raid.

-I generally default to having higher levels help lower levels since the reverse does not work.

-Use a raid group to divide everyone so you can see who is there. Players usually say if they are there to quest or help. Once groups are set just turn them loose. Assign a group leader and give them any instructions. The players will have to leave the raid group and then regroup on their own. I usually advise the group leader to re-invite everyone.

I will do my best to continue and be online...but I know some weeks are going to be rocky for awhile. My thanks again to everyone who offered to help. Feel free to chat with me online if you have more questions or want more feedback.

all my love

Sing True Ironsong!
Dispaya - I wanted to let you know that in your abscence last Tuesday, Ulfric and I were able to still hold a lovely minimoot - although you were missed! It went quite smoothly, a surprising amount of help showed up and all in all we were able to have successful journeys into the Scarlet Monastery, Gnomeregan and Zul'Farrak! Thank you kindly to all of those who showed, I had fun and look forward to helping out with the minimoots in the future! Smile
My Dear Sound,
I applaud your help. This is a nice event and can run even without me and for that I am even more honored. What matters most is tribemates helping one another.

Thanks very kindly...All my love and power

Sing True Ironsong!
Last eve marked the return of mini-mooting. We sent out 3 groups...Waka led a group through WC that included the youngest of our tribemates...among them Minievie! (she completes me). Deathrose led a group through the Scarlet Monastery and they managed to take out all 4 bosses. Sound led a small group of us through Jintha alor and she did a great job. Who would have guessed that Sound would make such a great tank!

My thanks to everyone who led groups and who came out and offered to help. We had a good turnout and even (sadly) had to turn away a couple of level 60's as we ran out of mini-mooters for them to help! Please come out whenever you want to assist...we get different numbers from week to week so you never know when you will be needed.

All my love and power

Sing True Ironsong!

We held a wonderfully successful grouping last night.

Our moot was honored when Kosath came to assist by leading a jaunt through Shadowfang Keep for some of our younger members. A highlight of the evening happened during the battle with he shouted "show me your rage!" Kosath did so and wiped him out!

Sound led a group through the depths of Uldaman once again showing off her incredible tanking skills.

Jyotin and Grazak let the young Mili through RFC for a bit of loot and experience.

I led Rrah through RFK with the help of Skrap...and we collected many loots for the young warrior uncluding the escort quest ring at the end.

My thanks again to all who came out and helped.

Sing True Ironsong!
Good Eve all I was wondering if there will be a mini moot tonight. I was able to pry the computer away from my other half and would like to get to meet some of you. Thanks
Yes we had one but not too many in attendance. Note that the "mini-moots" are a guild event for running instances with help...the regular MOOTS are on thursdays at 6:00 server time.

You are certainly welcome to attend either. I look forward to meeting you Silver.

Sing True Ironsong!

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