Mini-moot clarification
Hello All,

I have had a few questions the last couple of outings about the mini-moots from the newer folks. As the current mini-moot post is in the members section of the totem I wanted to post the carification here for those folks who are still in thier trial periods;

(Posted originally by Dispaya)
Mini-Moot Guidelines

My assistant for this weekly event is the magnanimous Cloudjumper!
You may contact either of us with requests or questions.

The basic format
Tuesdays at 6:00 ST (We start invites between 5:30-6)
The event is for any character level 20 - 55 to get help with quests and instances.

What is Mini-mooting?
We get tribemates together to "mini-raid" an instance or set of quests. This may help you get the item you wanted...or help you get some quests done in a hurry. It may not be a big XP event, but it sure is a lot of fun!

We start in a raid group so we can sort groups easily.
When possible we assign a group leader usually of lvl 55+ who we call a "Guardian."

Groups then disassemble and reinvite each other.
You can request help for your quests, or volunteer to help your tribemates.

We usually start calling for invites at 5:30ish. We want to try to be assembled and grouped by 6:00 so we can start.

We will be meeting at the courtyard of UC each week as there is easy access from there to Silvermoon or to Orgrammar.

Either Cloud or myself will be starting/running the event depending on each others availability.

You can use these events for some RP fun also...and also to get to know your tribemates!

Note on Gaurdians: Gaurdians freely give of thier time and efforts in helping us make these events a success. They are not required to participate but do so in order to help promote guild unity and build guild strength and enjoyment for lower level members. Please make them feel appreciated and thank them for thier assistance.

You do not have to take a's ok to run classic instances with appropriate level teamates. This event is meant to supplement that type of play with a raid type exercise for lower level players.
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
Ok, I had no idea this is what they were about. The name to me is more suggestive of a meer informal gathering or social hang out. I'll have to see if I can't make more of a point in dropping in on the nights I'm able.
Aye, that is why I wanted to post this here. I think the title is a little misleading, perhaps Dispaya and I can think up a new one.

I like to think of it as a dedicated night for quest and dungeons help for the lower level folks.
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
Why not just call it a Hunt? If Moots are the tribal gathering, then surely the Hunt is when the tribe gets together to help its lesser members, or even its greater ones, in their own personal tasks.

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