More Burning Crusade Info, including mounts!
I suspect, Noram, that there will be unending battles in AV from the moment 1.12 is released until BC goes live. You shouldn't have any trouble getting everything you want from the Frostwolves before then!
Oryx - Jadox - Koryx - Atorax - Cabochon - Hargrim - Morwen - Stillweaver - Talindrys
Efluvia Wrote:Now I'm wondering if I should even bother PvPing with Flu before the expansion comes out...

I'm PvPing with Konfucius just for the permenant title of "Warlord Konfucius," if anything.
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[Image: NMrob.jpg]
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Honestly Noram, I'm of the belief that scrapping the current reputation system is a mistake. The rep system for the different PvP groups is what they're essentially going toward witht he honor system - collecting points to put toward getting rewards. While the hardcore PvPers will get the "phat lewtz" given by the honor/rank system, those of us who are casual about it and can't spend 10 hours a day, every day for a month to get High Warlord would still be able to get to Exaulted with each faction at our own pace and still get some nice gear out of it.

If they really do change it the way they say they're going to, it's going to really...well...suck.
[Image: 85443.png][Image: 85444.png]
What is going to suck about it?

The hardcore PvPers will still get all the rewards, but casual players like myself can save up our points for what we want. My biggest complaint about the current system has been that it penalizes the casual gamer. I don't expect to have as good gear as the people that put in 10 hours a day, but if I spent every minute of the time I can invest into WoW doing pvp I have trouble getting past rank 6 or so. And I don't like my PvP in big chunks like that, but I do like my PvP. It'll be nice to be able to PvP casually and eventually get something shiny without ever having to go into that god forsaken valley again.

And as it sounds they're not doing it the same way as exhaulted.

It doesn't sound like they're going to have us gain points to certain ranks of gear, but gain honor points like gold that we then spend for items. It'll still be a lot of work to get everything, probably as much PvP as it takes to get high ranks and exhaulted now. The only real difference I see is that casual gamers would have a chance for a few items.
What I don't like about it is the fact that all the work I've done so far will be lost. Hopefully they'll just convert all the time I've already spend pvping into honor points or whatever they're doing.
Give everyone points based on their current rank maybe?

Though, they'd have to scale it per server wouldn't they?

Maybe give a server an pool of points and give everyone those points based on their percent of the total honor out there?

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