More Burning Crusade Info, including mounts!
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Good stuff for the most part.

Shamans will get bloodlust finally and be dps/healing focused.
Paladins will get snap aggro abilities and be front line fighters again and be tanking/healing focused.
10-25 man raid instances in Burning Crusade with the possiblity of scaled down raid instance in normal WoW... (worried on this one).

I shall be looking foward to this released nonetheless.
I don't think you should be worried- I could be wrong, but the way I read it, they're talking about potentially taking the normal WoW instances (MC, BWL, etc.) and adding the ability to scale up the difficulty & loot so it's still worthwhile to head into BWL when you're level 70, not scaling them down in any way (esp. as far as # of players goes).
Mm.. 40 debuff limit.. *Slight drool*
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
That's good news for shadowpriests too, considering we need at least 4 slots to maximize our abilities :p
If they do, some day, go ahead and scale the dificulty of the instances due to your partys level. We can all enjoy Rage Fire Casum on level 70 mode! I think it would be lots of fun to visit old places that are a challenge once again, like when i was young.

"Perhaps the biggest change that Blizzard revealed today was the wholesale reworking of the PvP system. Here's the quick and dirty of it: The honor system as we know it is being scrapped. Players will no longer advance through a competitive ladder -- ranks are being done away with entirely. Post BC, honor points will instead function like currency; you kill people, capture Battleground objectives, and get points. With these points, you can buy loot. Some pieces of equipment will also have a certain number of Battleground-specific tokens worked into their costs. Chilton mentioned that all current Battleground reputation reward loot will be rolled into the new honor system, so say goodbye to "rep farming." Finally, players who have achieved specific ranks will be able to display these publicly post-BC, though what form this would take wasn't revealed."

Now I'm wondering if I should even bother PvPing with Flu before the expansion comes out...
Efluvia Wrote:"Perhaps the biggest change that Blizzard revealed today was the wholesale reworking of the PvP system. Here's the quick and dirty of it: The honor system as we know it is being scrapped. Players will no longer advance through a competitive ladder -- ranks are being done away with entirely. Post BC, honor points will instead function like currency; you kill people, capture Battleground objectives, and get points. With these points, you can buy loot. Some pieces of equipment will also have a certain number of Battleground-specific tokens worked into their costs. Chilton mentioned that all current Battleground reputation reward loot will be rolled into the new honor system, so say goodbye to "rep farming." Finally, players who have achieved specific ranks will be able to display these publicly post-BC, though what form this would take wasn't revealed."

Now I'm wondering if I should even bother PvPing with Flu before the expansion comes out...

Now that's a handful to think about. I guess I'll have to work extra hard to get my blue pvp set before this crap happens.
That is a fine change for the casual gamers.

It means you can save up honor points over time.

The hardcore pvpers will still get better stuff than us casuals, but I as a casual pvper will be able to save over a long time for good stuff I would never get in the current system.
That works very fine for people like me who don't even PvP enough to keep a rank above scout for too long. I have no chance whatsoever of getting any PvP gear on the current system, but on the new one I actually have a chance, albeit a lengthy one.
The mighty cannot stop me, nor the wise make plans against me.
It might even make PvPing at lower levels worthwhile.

I can't believe I'm actually excited about a change bliz is introducing...

I feel unclean.

The 10-25 man raiding has the hardcore players up in arms. And those with memory will recall a similar change in EQ that was another nail in the coffin.

I'm well pleased for the PvP stuff. The grind was hellacious, granted you'll probably need oodles of honor points to buy the good stuff. <shrugs> But at least there is the possibility now of buying it.

Another article with more tidbits:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 327p1.html</a><!-- m -->

Apparently Tempest Keep will be a dungeon and Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider will be a boss... How is this going to work out for blood elves? "Hey guys, lets go kill our messiah!"

And gladiatorial combat will be introduced for diehard PvPers. Teams of 2-5 people. It actually sounds kinda cool.

New mounts were also announced: "The Draenei will ride these fearsome, bison-looking things called Elekk. They have huge, protruding horns and tusks, and they look quite cool. The Blood Elves, meanwhile, are getting Cockatrices." No description given for a cockatrice.

With all of the changes coming to BC its almost going to be a completely different game.
Efluvia Wrote:New mounts were also announced: "The Draenei will ride these fearsome, bison-looking things called Elekk. They have huge, protruding horns and tusks, and they look quite cool. The Blood Elves, meanwhile, are getting Cockatrices." No description given for a cockatrice.

*envisions blood elves riding chocobos*
Ack! You're a monster!

*scaled* chocobos!

Needless to say, I wasn't too pleased with the idea of lizard chickens as a mount... >.<
Efluvia Wrote:Hehe.

The 10-25 man raiding has the hardcore players up in arms. And those with memory will recall a similar change in EQ that was another nail in the coffin.

I'm well pleased for the PvP stuff. The grind was hellacious, granted you'll probably need oodles of honor points to buy the good stuff. <shrugs> But at least there is the possibility now of buying it.

Another article with more tidbits:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 327p1.html</a><!-- m -->

Apparently Tempest Keep will be a dungeon and Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider will be a boss... How is this going to work out for blood elves? "Hey guys, lets go kill our messiah!"

And gladiatorial combat will be introduced for diehard PvPers. Teams of 2-5 people. It actually sounds kinda cool.

New mounts were also announced: "The Draenei will ride these fearsome, bison-looking things called Elekk. They have huge, protruding horns and tusks, and they look quite cool. The Blood Elves, meanwhile, are getting Cockatrices." No description given for a cockatrice.

With all of the changes coming to BC its almost going to be a completely different game.

The new arena pvp sounds really cool. I can't wait to be part of a "leet" Ironsong Arena team! 8-)
*sigh* I have to admit this is a great plan...though why did they have to do it just as I started bringing up my WSG and AV/AB reps? Actually...from they way they put it would the rewards like the Frostwolf mount still be around? Just have to buy it from a different Vendors with these new "points" If so *cheers* all around! If not this makes me sad...and means I cant leave AV BG for the next few weeks *cry* ((Also along with the Charger I am speaking of the nifty Unstoppable Force, Frostbite etc..))
"Is it any wonder, under such a burden, they seemed mad? We all have found ourselves railing against them and later consoling them. Theirs was a burden we each bore but a fraction. They shouldered it, and in the end, it crushed them."

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