COMPLETELY hypothetical....
If Dai, Fleet, and our respective kids and Dai's long-suffering wife hosted....

...who would come to a few-days' long gathering this summer in Vermont? Assuming that crashspace was limited to tenting in the backyard, and food was hastily prepared by yours truly (not as frightening a prospect as some might think).

Suppose we were to put together the long-considered Ironsong Family Reunion? Burgers and beer in the backyard? Vermont blackflies and swimmin' in the Mad River? Who'd be up for it?
Gah, Vermont. So freaking far away. But assuming it's not during summer session, and I could get off work, I'd so love a road trip. Completely hypothetically, of course.
I would LOVE to be there! I live in Massachusetts so it's like a hop skip and a jump for me!
(O.o )
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Zhebra, 70 Troll mage
Polled, 70 Tauren huntress
Diljabar, 38 Orc warlock… reincarnated…
Ohhh boy... that's quite a long ways away from California. O.o
Erm... do you have an airport around where you live?
Pah.. Kretol.. lets go grab Tet from northern cal and we can carpool! woo.
I might even bring some Oregon beer to share with those of proper age..
You mean actually associate? With you people? What a horrific prospect!

I'm in.

We have the HUGE, Burlington International Airport.

Just in case you are wondering, it is "International" because it flies to Montreal, which is about 50 miles away probably.

Manchester, NH or Boston might be cheaper, but would cause long car rides after a long flight.

I think Continental, Jet Blue and US Airways fly out of BTV.

I don't know if that is any help, there ya go.
Quote:You mean actually associate? With you people? What a horrific prospect!

I'm in.

I would love to see you make it over there in that crapheap of a car. Tongue
ROAD TRIP! I can make it...just let me know when...can pick up a few along the way if they like..I live in Baltimore, Maryland.

Worst case - I can fly into Manchester or Burlington....either works for me.

You know Catboi and I would be there, absolutely.

So would this be like an SCA event for gamers? I'll bring my lucky D20.
Vanea Wrote:Pah.. Kretol.. lets go grab Tet from northern cal and we can carpool!.

Well, whaddya know... if we could hypothetically synchonize our schedules, that carpool could include myself, Lurie, and possibly Dokcha! *pokes Dokcha* Right?
I live in Seattle! Mega westcoast carpool...anyone have a 12 passanger van?
Assuming that I'll be in New England, hellz yes.

I know MHT (Manch-Vegas) has Southwest, NO JetBlue. Boston, on the other hand (which is still what, three hours away, minimum?) goes for JetBlue, no Southwest. I think Albany'd be closer than Boston, no?
For flights into Vermont, Boston and Burlington are your good bets. Albany is about six hours from where I live. Burlington is less than one hour (and I could arrange transportation from there) and Boston is 2 1/2 to 3, depending on traffic.
I am probably up for this. Yes, the old Fuschia Fury would be willing to travel to Vermont to see his hold tribemates.

Miss you all...

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