What are you doing? Why do I never see you when I go ping Horde world defense! And why have you not bribed me into creating a Hordeling for your amusement.

Oh, and hi.
Sentrus - 70 Human Rogue
?????? - 1 Unknown Horde Chatbot Alt
I no longer have WD on. I actually turned it off right when BC came out and haven't toggled it back on since. I found it's quite peaceful without it, and have been enjoyed that peace and quiet. Wink

As for your hordeling, you even said you were going to do it anyway! *bonks*
I meant to imply that I wanted a bribe. Such as one of your fine blood elf women.
Sentrus - 70 Human Rogue
?????? - 1 Unknown Horde Chatbot Alt
Take all the blood elves you want. I have no issue with that. *snicker*
Excellent. I require a listing of your Blood Elf females along with a headshot, measurements, and any special talents.
Sentrus - 70 Human Rogue
?????? - 1 Unknown Horde Chatbot Alt
Kretol: May I do the screenings of blood elf women for our Alliance friend?
Be my guest! Sentrus, contact Gra'zak for the information.
*Zyndala tries to fade, realizes that she is a mage, and tries to hide*
Merrina - Troll Huntress
Dannae - Troll Priestess
Aya'Tor - Orc Warlock
Zyndala - Blood Elf Mage
Zerrah - Forsaken Death Knight
Try to be careful with those frail little elves, they can break rather easily.
Apparently, I'm such a good rogue that I should become a tank.
[Image: 216215SneNF.png]

I be huntin' rabbits!
[Image: 216222NVlZD.png]

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