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I hate this new style– I can't figure it out. It's very hard to understand and maneuver around in, and the colors are not very attractive. I like the old style much better.
(O.o )
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Zhebra, 70 Troll mage
Polled, 70 Tauren huntress
Diljabar, 38 Orc warlock… reincarnated…
Kretol Wrote:Try clearing your browser's cache/temporary files.

I tried that...and it still is jumbled up on me. :?
Nicorah Wrote:
Kretol Wrote:Try clearing your browser's cache/temporary files.

I tried that...and it still is jumbled up on me. :?
What browser are you using?
Shealtiel Wrote:I hate this new style– I can't figure it out. It's very hard to understand and maneuver around in, and the colors are not very attractive. I like the old style much better.
I would recommend to switch back if you haven't done so already.
Ooh, I like the red and black...very horde
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
Kretol Wrote:What browser are you using?

I'm using IE
Kretol Wrote:
Shealtiel Wrote:I hate this new style– I can't figure it out. It's very hard to understand and maneuver around in, and the colors are not very attractive. I like the old style much better.
I would recommend to switch back if you haven't done so already.
Switch back to what? I don't see any options close to the old one.
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
Tetsumis Wrote:
Kretol Wrote:
Shealtiel Wrote:I hate this new style– I can't figure it out. It's very hard to understand and maneuver around in, and the colors are not very attractive. I like the old style much better.
I would recommend to switch back if you haven't done so already.
Switch back to what? I don't see any options close to the old one.
I'm assuming he meant the prosilver style.
No I mean this new red and black shiny thing.
(O.o )
( > < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny and this attached message into your signature to help him on his quest for world domination.

Zhebra, 70 Troll mage
Polled, 70 Tauren huntress
Diljabar, 38 Orc warlock… reincarnated…
Shealtiel Wrote:No I mean this new red and black shiny thing.
Shealtiel Wrote:I hate this new style– I can't figure it out. It's very hard to understand and maneuver around in, and the colors are not very attractive. I like the old style much better.
Like I said, I'm assuming you were originally talking about liking the prosilver style over the Glass one. Heh.
Okay, finally got a WoW style. It, like all the other ones (other than prosilver), is in its beta stages, so please feel free to inform me of any bugs you come across.
Everyone's style has been set to it, but you can feel free to switch back to another if you wish.
/target Kretol

Soooo much better!
And after much anticipation (by me, at least), the theme we had on the other board has been designed for phpbb3 by the style author!

Hope everyone likes it. ^_^ For those of you that switched back to prosilver, I'd suggest checking out WoWMaevahEmpire to see how you like it.
I very much like this current style. It is easy to read, and adds a nice flair to the site. Thank you very much. Smile

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