New forums
Kaerrah Wrote:I've been noticing that as well Sound.

Sometimes it processes fine, sometimes the tags are just being spit out as text.

Firefox here as well.
You're probably seeing posts that were already using BBCode instead of HTML. You can imagine the daunting task ahead of me that will require going through to change HTML to BBCode in various posts. Wink
Tetsumis Wrote:Is there any way to change which side the Avatars are on?
Regrettably not.
It's undoubtedly just this theme, however, so as soon as we get a new one, it should (ideally) be on the left side again.
Kaerrah Wrote:Hmmm... it doesn't seem to be saving my login here at work or at home.

Using Firefox in both places and cookies are allowed.
Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies? Perhaps it might possibly have something to do with the board upgrade at the same URL. That's my guess...
Kretol Wrote:You're probably seeing posts that were already using BBCode instead of HTML. You can imagine the daunting task ahead of me that will require going through to change HTML to BBCode in various posts. Wink

Just run a replace all script!

I've got one lying around here when we had to change the language on an automated reply that had been used a bazilliongillion times.
Quote:HTML cannot be used anymore. At all. Now we are forced to use BBCode. Heh. Fairly similar to the WoW forum, in that regard, but meh.

Ah, *nods*.

And thank you Wikipeida <3.. For those who also had no idea what BBCode was, BBCode.
I went looking in the options and FAQ but can't find a way to change where it shows the posters information.
I am used to it being on the left side, and not it is on the right side.
Any way I can change that?
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
That is a feature of the layout and not something to be manually changed.
If you go to...

User Control Panel > Board Preferences > My Board Style

And select subMerged, it is the only layout installed that puts them on the left side. It's a rather pretty layout in its own right too.

Edit: I take that back. It's pretty, but not very well thought out. There is almost no difference between the 'no new posts' and 'new posts' indicator. It doesn't show any info under portraits. It's a layout with a lot of potential, but just poorly executed.

Edit Once Again: Although, with the little nav bar it puts at the top of the screen- I think I might live with it for now. It's very easy on the eyes.
Aye, I forgot to mention - I installed new styles, so take a look at 'em!
Been using subMerged and have rather taken to it.

Takes a bit of getting used to, but it's very easy on the eyes.
Sound Wrote:
Quote:HTML cannot be used anymore. At all. Now we are forced to use BBCode. Heh. Fairly similar to the WoW forum, in that regard, but meh.

Ah, *nods*.

And thank you Wikipeida <3.. For those who also had no idea what BBCode was, BBCode.
You can actually see the BBCode whenever you're typing up a post. Check the right side, and you'll see "BBCode is ON," among other things. The BBCode part is a link, pointing to the FAQ (
On another note, item links are working again!
And on yet another note-
I switched everyone's style that was using the default prosilver theme over to the Glass theme, just to show it off. Anyone who doesn't like it can switch to one of the other themes or back to prosilver!
I love the new look, but am having a problem with the forum list....each section is looking like the writing is over lapped...and when i went into my user control panel it is the same there. How can i fix that and keep the Glass theme?
Try clearing your browser's cache/temporary files.

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