News from Mamadee
Ahlo Tribe! I just stopped in ta tell dem dat knew me situation dat Mr. D. got his liver transplant on Sunday an' be doing fine. Mabs and I were in Las Vegas at da Rotten Vacation but me best friend, Doodle, and Gorfilgause handled everyting until we got home. I knew in da bottom o'me heart dat goin' ta Vegas would be like lightin' a cigarette in a restaurant, da liver would come just like da food does. Not dat me or mine smoke but I remembers from me Da. *hehe Anywho, I be even more scarce den normal ifin ya comes ta visit on Da Scryers because I be spendin' all me time wit Mr. D. until he gets outta da hospital. Da witch doctors in Gainesville say he be doin' real good though. When he gets out in about another week we gots ta live in transplant housing der in Gainesville fer two months beforein' we can come home. Dat place only gots DSL so I dunna know how much I will be able ta get in Azeroth. But I always gunna be able ta get ta da Rotten forum so stop by an' say hello when ya gets a chance.

*huggles ta all me Tribe family!
Walk in peace on your chosen path
Thank you Mama for stopping by, with your busy schedule and all. I am so glad for you amd Mr. D, that things are going well! If there is anything we can do, you know you can count on the Tribe!
Merrina - Troll Huntress
Dannae - Troll Priestess
Aya'Tor - Orc Warlock
Zyndala - Blood Elf Mage
Zerrah - Forsaken Death Knight
It is good to hear from you Mamdee, and that is excellent news about your husband.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
Great news, M!

Good... er... rotten luck to Mr. D.
Great to hear from you Mama! I'm happy things are going well for you and your husband.
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
Fantastic news!

Stay strong, and keep us posted!
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
Tank ya fer all yer well wishes folks. Ya be me second family and I miss ya terrible. Come visit me on da Scryers ifin ya gets da chance.....

Mr. D. continues ta do great. Da witch doctors in Gainesville say dey would be outta work ifin everyone recovered as good as Mr. D. did. We are home and dunna have ta live in Geinesville. I know Mr. D. be happy ta sleep in his own bed an' I be glad ta have me Comcast so dat I can be in Azeroth. I be workin' from home fer two months because Mr. D. canna be alone fer dat long. Mabri an' Gorfilgause be great helps and between da three o'us we are keeping up wit all da new drug regiments. I gots alarm clocks set all over da house. I tink we hear dem in our sleep when dey ain't even goin' off. *snickers loudly. Anywho, tings are goin' great and Mr. D. be back ta his onray ol'self. Gotta love 'em!

Take care an' be sure ta come see me when ya can.
Walk in peace on your chosen path

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