The Prince
I had a few suggestions and questions about the Prince encounter.

Would it improve our situation to switch the starting positions of the raid and the tank in the beginning? My thinking is it is easier to move one person than 9, the doorway hardly ever gets an infernal dropped on it, and it would allow the people calling the moves an unobstructed view of the infernals, perhaps giving a better sense of where the open areas are. When the raid has to move, healing ceases on the tank and this has been when he goes down. Moving the tank, we can keep healing.

In phase 1 and 2, are there at most 4 infernals at any given time? We are probably doing this, but we should keep track of the order in which the infernals appear so we can gauge which are despawning first, perhaps opening new areas. Lastly, should we collapse on Prince in Phase 3 and heal through the damage to burn him down without infernal interference?

Might do us some good to think about this boss a bit.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
It is an idea, the one problem with that though, is his knockback. The tank MUST have a wall to position himself in front of. There are a couple of places this would work however, so yeah, we should give it a try.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
i was thinking about that collapsing in phase 3 too jaba. an infernal almost never drops right on or beside the prince. does the shadow nova still do a knockback in phase 3? we'd all have to have our backs to a wall then, but it might actually be a safer place to be with the infernals dropping so fast
I know its not my place to answer this, but..Oh well =)

Yes, the nova still does its knockback, and even with a back to the wall,there may be a slight problem. On top of the nova and the SWTongue, he also is casting that Empower Shadow damage buff that is doubling the amount of damage thats getting slammed into you. Thats taking the 3k Nova and boosting it to 6k (damage amounts seem to be static and not partially resistable, at least i've never partially resisted it). Even with all 10 of yinz huddled up on his hooves, I am not sure healing would be able to be sustained through this (especially if the healser get empowered and then axed)
[Image: 2738341mWkUR.png]
Lets just yell at him to diaf from afar. My vote anyway.
(Though yes, you can resist the nova. Not sure about a partial resist, though.)
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
The spot where he is tanked, there is no spot that an infernal can spawn. A little in front (between where we usually stand, and the tank), can have one.

There is a limit of 5 infernals out in phases 1 and 2.
In phase three, what happens is, he summons an infernal every 40 seconds (or whatever the regular time ), as soon as that one lands, he summons another. After that one lands, then the duration goes back to 40 seconds. There is also a limit of 10 out during phase 3. Having everyone stacked on top of the prince, or up against the door, is a good plan, but everyone needs to be topped off, and whoever has axes getting healed, so if amplify magic is up, no one dies.
The Infernals can drop almost anywhere - and I have seen them drop almost right on top of the Prince and MT during the fight - just have to be flexible and move fast.

If I recall - have to be careful of tanking near the door - as it is possible to bug the event on a retry. Infernal placement from what I have seen is a crapshoot - there are times when you get a horrible drop pattern - and there is nothing you can do about it.

In Phase 3 - overall better just to burn him down - should have plenty of mana left to go all out - but that is a raid call depending on what you are comfortable with.

abbru Wrote:should have plenty of mana left to go all out...

Yes, because you'll all have blessing of wisdom Wink
Anathamon Wrote:Yes, because you'll all have blessing of wisdom Wink

As much as I like Wisdom, it is nothing compared to the TRUE POWER of SALVATION!!
Psion Wrote:
abbru Wrote:should have plenty of mana left to go all out...


What he said. He goes through mana faster than ME! I give him my superduper selfcast only innervate even! Because if he has mana...I has mana :biggrin:
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
Psion Wrote:
Anathamon Wrote:Yes, because you'll all have blessing of wisdom Wink

As much as I like Wisdom, it is nothing compared to the TRUE POWER of SALVATION!!

You must be referring to the Blessing of Shame. Its nothing to be proud of since it is gifted to those who do not know what they are doing. It s a mark of Anathamon's digust with you.

That's why Efluvious gets it so much. Then everyone complains about raid wipes. I really don't understand you people. I'm trying to make a point here.
Anathamon Wrote:
Psion Wrote:
Anathamon Wrote:Yes, because you'll all have blessing of wisdom Wink

As much as I like Wisdom, it is nothing compared to the TRUE POWER of SALVATION!!

You must be referring to the Blessing of Shame. Its nothing to be proud of since it is gifted to those who do not know what they are doing. It s a mark of Anathamon's digust with you.

That's why Efluvious gets it so much. Then everyone complains about raid wipes. I really don't understand you people. I'm trying to make a point here.
Shame? No, no, no. It is the Blessing of +30% damage. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and should be used to its full potential!
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
The blessing of shame hurts me deep down inside, like around my kidneys somewhere. Speaking of food, who's DMing in our RP games Anathamon?
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
Efluvious Wrote:The blessing of shame hurts me deep down inside, like around my kidneys somewhere. Speaking of food, who's DMing in our RP games Anathamon?

Me or Alex. Prolly me. Gunna see if we can start next week - Mondays are probably the all around best day for that since its my day off and you're a lazy, jobless git.

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