Serious question here.
How does one break into the Ironsong raiding? Do I hope to be needed to fill a DPS slot when one is available and worm my way in that way? Do I apply somewhere? How can I get into Gruul's?
Apparently, I'm such a good rogue that I should become a tank.
[Image: 216215SneNF.png]

I be huntin' rabbits!
[Image: 216222NVlZD.png]
If it's Karazhan you speak of, give it a few weeks. As Cloud mentioned in a previous post, some changes are going to be taking place in regards to it. I'm unsure when they'll be announced/officially discussed, but I'd rather not step on anybody's toes and say more - just expect a post of some sorts from Kosath up and coming. All in all it will be offering you a better chance to join us.

As for Gruul - I'm rather outside of the invite procedure, but know that it's a freakin' tricky fight to fill the proper slots for. So many certain classes are needed (most definitely on the Maulgar fight), some aren't at all (i.e. more than one or two prot warriors on Gruul himself is doom, welcome to Efluv's respec madness) and it can just be tough. From what I’ve seen Damo and Efluv generally first fill the raid with what's absolutely required to be there and then try and fill the last of the slots with those wanting to still come within the tribe that are of a DPS nature and that would still keep the raid setup balanced and doable. In the end there simply isn't enough slots left to get everyone workably in sometimes. The requirements needed for Maulgar/Gruul are personally freakin' silly to me, but I guess BC can't be a cakewalk.. So I suppppooose it's to be expected they do something stupid of it's nature. :p

The topic of starting wait listing like the old MC/ZG days hasn't been brought up yet in regards to Gruul's lair (from what I've seen).. and I have no idea how easy it would be to truly do one with all that is required for the place itself and the general gear requirements it calls on people to have. However once we get the place more on a farm status (if that's possible?), here's to throwing out the idea if it hasn't yet been considered?

I think that kind of covers it.. please mind my well winded reply! And I hope there aren't too many others out there also frustrated with the Gruul's lair setup. Just as much as it’s a pain to be not invited, I can almost promise that it’s just as much a hassle to those leading Gruul to sort through all those requests, create a raid that would work and unfortunately let down a few in turn. Overall it can't be an easy thing to do in the slightest.
Indeed there are some changes coming for the various Karazhan groups. The details are still being worked out so please be patient with us. Once everything is sorted we will make a posted announcement. Smile

As I am not involved in the Gruul's lair initiative I will leave the specifics of how and why to others. As Sound said it is a difficult fight to fill as it requires specific numbers of various classes. But don't worry, I suspect as we get more people geared and ready we will be doing more of these encounters so there will be more spaces need filling.
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
Cloudjumper Wrote:Indeed there are some changes coming for the various Karazhan groups. The details are still being worked out so please be patient with us. Once everything is sorted we will make a posted announcement. Smile

Ok, you have my attention. I'm interested, and concerned.

Torturing is mean. :banghead:
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
Again, I'm not involved in the decision who to bring to Gruul (that's Damoxian and Efluvious), but it's important to be able to fill your role very well. We've just barely now started taking Gruul down (last two weeks), and it's been a long road. Right now the only rogue we've got with us most of the time is Gholjan, because he's uber.

As a rogue, you need to have a good amount of health (6k+ absolute minimum unbuffed) and have decent gear. Remember that Gruul is supposed to come /after/ Kara, so starting with Gruul is a bad idea.

Honestly, the best way to get geared up for raiding is to get Revered with as many instance-factions as you can, and start asking in IronsongLFG for heroic groups.
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)
Mahiah Wrote:
Cloudjumper Wrote:Indeed there are some changes coming for the various Karazhan groups. The details are still being worked out so please be patient with us. Once everything is sorted we will make a posted announcement. Smile

Ok, you have my attention. I'm interested, and concerned.

Torturing is mean. :banghead:

No announcement I make just yet will be an absolute, sweeping change. I want to open things up for discussion and concerns first, because it's important that people buy into something if you really want to make it work. I have been poking around with the idea and will be posting it in the next couple days for comments.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
Nobody panic.

Nothing is going to change overnight, and nothing is going to be yanked out from under anyone. As Kosath stated, we're discussing some possibilities of changing the ways in which we do certain things, but before we institute anything, the process will be thoroughly explained and discussed.

The primary goal here is, as it ever has been, to make our raid invite structure as inclusive and egalitarian as possible. We're not going to put together any kind of top-tier group or elite raid; we're aiming to make the endgame content as accessible for as many people as possible.

This may have the unintended consequence of slowing down our progress. So be it. We are not, and never have been, a raiding guild. We're here to roleplay, and we're going to give our members an opportunity to roleplay kicking the snot out of the undead denizens of Karazhan.

For those of you without established raids, I ask for your patience. We're going to get you in there just as soon as we can!
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
Nice use of "egalitarian".

Might be the third time I've ever seen it used in the real world.

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