Suggested Raiding Structure
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the feedback over the past week and a half. Clearly this is a sensitive topic for a lot of people, and I applaud the maturity with which it was handled.

So here you will find our suggested raiding format. I'd like you all to take a look at it and let us know what you think. We think that it is a solid compromise that should make the majority of our tribesmates pretty happy. We're eagerly awaiting feedback, and wanting to hear peoples' questions, comments, and concerns, so that we can settle on a solution that will satisfy the Tribe. Have a look!


An obvious priority is to revamp the outland raiding forum to make communication easier between folks who want to go and raids that have open slots. We will have one location where all openings for the week are posted, and where people can come to express their interest in filling those openings.

Raid Rotations:

Each week, one of the three existing raids would open up three slots to allow new folks to come along. Raid members would decide among themselves who was willing to step out for that week. Via the new, easy to use, revamped raiding forums, new folks would be matched to open slots.

It could look something like this (may not be presented in exactly this format depending on the forums are organized, we might make use of the calendar more heavily):

Week of Sept 3-9
Vanguard: Rotation Week: Need 2 DPS, 1 tank
SnG: No expected openings
Entourage: Need DPS 6 p.m. Friday.

Week of Sept 10-16
Vanguard: Need secondary tank. 6 p.m. Saturday.
SnG: Rotation Week: Need healer, DPS, tank
Entourage: No expected openings.

Week of Sept 17-24
Vanguard: No expected openings
SnG: No expected openings
Entourage: Rotation Week: Need 2 DPS, 1 healer

Week of Sept 25-Oct 1
Vanguard: Rotation Week: Need healer, tank, DPS
SnG: Need DPS 6 p.m. Friday.
Entourage: No expected openings

...and so on.

New Fourth Raid:

Psion and others have taken the idea of a learning raid and are running with it- great! When this gets off the ground, more folks may be tied to a Kara instance and fewer will be available to fill rotation slots; existing raids would need to reduce the number of slots they open up during rotation week at that point.

Thoughts? Concerns? Love it? Hate it? Let us know!
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
I like this format. In addition to getting new people in, it will give me personally some time off every now and again to study which I would definitely like. Three thumbs up. (Efluvious has an extra if anyone is missing one :crazy: :crazysmile: )
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
I like it!
I also like the proposed system. I do have a detail question. How will open spots be assigned? Will there be a list of people who are available for a given week? I know the raid leaders spend a lot of effort on finding substitutes, both planned and last minute. Having some way to coordinate this better might make that particular job less burdensome.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
I think this is a very solid plan, certainly one I can live with and then some. This has been a very emotionally-charged topic, to be sure. And clearly a great deal of time and thought was put into addressing the myriad of concerns, requests, and objections that this subject has brought about, and I really, really appreciate that, guys. <3

I would echo Jaba's question, though I am sure the implementation of the new forum system would include some way of tracking this, be it a weekly thread where people post their availability or some mechanism in the calendar feature?

Also, how would this affect the out of guild people who are often running with us and are fairly steady alternates, though not actual team members?
Seems like a good compromise, but the opinion of the 3 raiding groups is paramout imo. Hope they like it Smile

I know I suggested the learning raid idea, but I doubt I'm going to be able to help much with it in the near future. Dromand's still only 62, and with hockey season starting up, I'm going to be very busy at work (I warehouse at GM Place at the moment). So I probably won't be around much until December. I'll level him up when I can, but it'll probably be a while Sad
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)
Looks good to me.
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
Tree says <nodnod...shades!>
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
I support this plan - I think it opens the door to allow for enhanced opportunities for Tribe Members.

If needed - I would be happy to dedicate time and effort to meat-shielding for the 4th group as well. Nothing in Kara I have not tanked - and I am familiar with the events.

Ideally, I'd like to see folks volunteer to float for a week or so. If each raid floated two or three people a week (and mixed up who that was from week to week), it'd provide both the class versatility, personal diversity, and open slots for new raiders that would make things happen.

Is this something you all think you can settle amongst yourselves? Want to give it a try?
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
I'd like to give it a try and do I think it could work. If this change is to be implemented, when is it planned to start the official rotations? I'm also curious about the new, easy to use, revamped raiding forums as well (a tool that will inevitably help make this happen easier and more likely)-- shall we be seeing these soon?

And I don't know if I'm seeing it, but this change seems more aimed at getting new people into the raids rather than mixing what we've already got (which is what I thought was also being aimed for to help equate a less cliquey and a more "know your Tribe members" kind of environment). Is there a faucet to that which I'm missing? No complaints, just questions. :]
I am willing to volunteer Jabadue (Resto Shaman) and Neat (Fire Mage) to get the ball rolling.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
So, I know my run has people who don't mind rotating out. So far I have viridis and Russetdawn as people who have expressed interest in running...and they have run with us. I really need people to step up, take the initiative and tell me they want to run Kharazan so I can help work them into the batting order. Talk to eatmore about tusdays, me about sundays. I need you to speak up. If you don't, you have only yourself to blame for not being a in run.

Damoxian Wrote:Love,

I love you too.(But you get the dress)
[Image: Eatmore.png]
bad. visual. image.


That is all.
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby

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