Karazhan Wants You! and Mabye ZA too!
I would just like to gauge interest in a new Karazhan raid. This raid would be primarily for people who have not spent extensive time in Kara before, with a few experienced hands or their alts thrown in.

Also, it you are interested in Karazhan, but not keyed, please post your keying status, and we will do our best to help you get keyed.

So post character name, class, spec, and key status. Also, Sunday evening at 600p Server time is the time I am available to organize. Other times might work better as there is already another Kara Raid Sunday, but we have to start somewhere. If another time is better for you, post that.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
If you're needing some some experienced PewPew I'd probably be able to bring Vanea (mage/currently arcane).
I might be able to bring experienced Healing on Waka, or newbish Tanking on Insel, but my availability varies weekly.
If there are not others that have never been to karazhan to fill the rolls, I can bring any of my characters to aid. Just say which one and it will be yours.
I will bring whoever I can that may be of assistance (if needed).
Shantow the Bear
The Ironsong Tribe

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." King
What would finish time be, Jaba? I can only realistically commit to about 9:00 server time (midnight EST)
I think we would just go as long as we want. Play it by ear. In the beginning, it would just be first few bosses, assuming we can get enough people. More later.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
Both Ug and Robn have the first part of the key done...but have never finished the 2nd quest for it yet. Would love to go but need a group to finish and some way to get to Tempest keep till they can get flying mounts.
Unfortunately, the ONLY way to get up to the Arcatraz for that part of the key quest is WITH a flying mount. Summoning does not work in the Netherstorm.

It's an unfortunate, annoying requirement.
Uhh. Cora's still not 70 yet, and (thus) not keyed. But I certainly wouldn't mind keying and raiding once she gets there.
I may try this raid on Feb. 10 at 600p. I will see who is about then. If not enough for a raid, then, maybe we can help people with keying.

Feb. 3 is out because I will be watching the Super Bowl.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
((I can come on Bloodbound who's currently Demon speced. I've been wanting to see the rest of Khara I only saw about roughly half of it in my last guilds runs))
Nahr the TANCKOW *RAWR* would love to go to Karazhan.
(Nahr, Warrior, Prot [duh - TANCKOW], keyed and dying to go)

Also, I don't know how often Russetdawn reads the totem, but I know she's been dying to go to Karazhan too. Unfortunately, she's currently out in Europe. I've talked with her recently (yesterday) and asked her what times would work for her. Due to the time difference, she would need to have the raid start somewhere between 9am and noon server, and could only stay until about 2pm. While I'm not a morning person by nature, I wouldn't mind commiting to a morning Saturday or Sunday run/schedule so that she could join us, as I know her skills would be invaluable in there.
The silly thing of it is, I only need to whomp on the first half of Karazhan to complete my wish-list from the place.

But yes, I do want to join you! Problem is, I can only do so at relatively normal times on Friday Night where going from (my) 3 AM to whenever isn't such a dumb idea. I can kinda swing Saturday nights, but with Gruul's Lair and blah blah blah, I know it's not the most enticing of options. Sundays would have to be rather early to fit my schedule, or we can split Karazhan into two, three hour chunks on early weekday evenings. (4 PM server to 7 PM server...I think). In order to get me and Nahr, I think you're gonna have to split Kara over two (not Friday) nights, or run early Sunday.

Oh! And Russet's a decked out Survival Hunter, expert trapper, and has done everything in Karazhan except for two of the opera events. Even has the Blackened Urn to summon Nightbane if we're feeling particularly frisky.
Anyone who wants to come to Kara, we will be giving this a go at 600p server time on Sunday, Feb. 10. This is really the only time I have to commit to it. We will need 2 tanks, 3 healers, and 5 dps, so come along an gets yer lootz.

A few suggestions: There are some mods out there that will make the raid go much easier. All of these can be had at wowace.com
1. BigWigs Boss mod for warnings and the like.
2. ORA2 is a raid assist mod that is CTRA compatible.
3. Omen threat Meter
4. Violation DPS meter

Oh and Vent too.

I can't go too late tonight, so we will see what we can to in about 3 hours, or until people have to leave.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel

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