A TON of WotLK info.
Sound Wrote:One word: Tree Ghouls. yesssss.


Also, Sreng said damnit. <readies Dawn dishwashing liquid, much more effective than a bar of soap> muahaha

Also also: if they allow tauren death knights.../wrist /wrist so very wrong and I hope they don't.
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
They way I see it is, any race can become Scourge, right? A Death Knight isn't skeletal, since they have more power, though they're still Undead. So a Tauren gets killed, loses all their powers and is Scourging it up for a while with awesome swords and runes and magic, and then they finally break free of Arthas' grip. Boom! Tauren Death Knight. Has none of their Earth-Mother-loving tricks, all these new ones that they're turning back against the Lich King, and maybe looking for some true salvation.
Wakaraina Wrote:They way I see it is, any race can become Scourge, right?

I've wondered that myself, but have been too lazy to find out. It's always humans, trolls, and elves it seems, in-game.
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)
Eruadan Wrote:Is all this info taken from an official source???

All the info has been gathered together from the mass of interviews a lot of websites were able to land with Blizzard game designers (which coincidently, were all at once-- likely a publicity move as all of us get bored to heck with BC :p).
Sound Wrote:
Eruadan Wrote:Is all this info taken from an official source???

All the info has been gathered together from the mass of interviews a lot of websites were able to land with Blizzard game designers (which coincidently, were all at once-- likely a publicity move as all of us get bored to heck with BC :p).

Ah excellent, well then, now to save BILLIONS of gold for the glyphs....
Mahiah Wrote:Also, Sreng said damnit. <readies Dawn dishwashing liquid, much more effective than a bar of soap> muahaha

Noooo! Sorry Mamahiah!

Mahiah Wrote:Also also: if they allow tauren death knights.../wrist /wrist so very wrong and I hope they don't.

They will, but it's the Draenei death knights that seem like an utter violation of all things right and true. Night Elf death knights too. I love the idea of a necromantic night elf even getting within a mile of Darnassus without being peppered with arrows and moonfire bolts.

The majority of Scourge creatures in game are either Human, High Elf, Gnoll, or Troll, but that's simply because the Scourge invaded Lordaeron and Quel'thalas. Anything living can theoretically become infected with the Scourge plague, so Undead orcs, goblins, kobolds, tauren, furbolgs, etc, all fair game. However, the current iteration of Death Knights, by the present lore, are not necessarily Undead. They must take up the Runesword forged by the Lich King, like Arthas did with Frostmourne, and their souls are forfeit, making them Death Knights.

The original Death Knights definitely were undead, being made from the souls of Gul'dan's traitorous warlocks, bound into either their own bodies or the corpses of fallen Paladins of the Silver Hand. I suppose Ner'zhul refined the process.
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
Ok, let's see...

Grizzly Hills: Nice.

Vehicle system: Excellent!

Dungeons: Very cool!

Inscription: It's good to finally know some more information.

Coldara: They better make him pull a Kael or force a wipe or something similar to keep within lore from what I hear.

Death Knights: Nice find on the info, Soundy!

Death Coil: They should have done that with Holy Light
Death Grip: I hope this manages to actually work out well in PvP
CoI: Interesting concept
Raise Dead: Sounds next to worthless with no nearby bodies, unless they throw in some ornamental ones littering the landscape
Dark Pact: sounds like the feel of the real deal hero class from Wc3

Ect., Ect., Ect., thanks for sharing all these juicy little bits of leaked info!
Great stuff, thanks Sound !!! Big Grin
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
Eruadan Wrote:Tauren Death Night = Soiled garments.......

I'm going to be remaking my original Grimtotem tauren warrior as a death knight. =) I figure it makes a decent amount of sense given their ties to the Forsaken, etc.
"You can never run from trouble, 'cause there ain't no place that far." - Scissor Sisters, "Lights"
Fanae Wrote:
Eruadan Wrote:Tauren Death Night = Soiled garments.......

I'm going to be remaking my original Grimtotem tauren warrior as a death knight. =) I figure it makes a decent amount of sense given their ties to the Forsaken, etc.

I just realized I cannot spell....Tauren Death KNIGHT!

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