Unavailable 5/10
Well, with my birthday being tomorrow, my family is insisting I go out and "do things" tonight. So it looks like I will not be able to run Magtheridon (or attempt to, as the case may be). If there is enough interest, I definitely encourage doing it however.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
Happy birthday Kosath! Smile
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
Yar, happy birthday.

We had, um, 7 people I think. :?
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)
Yes, Happy Birthday Kosath...

(Is Magtheridon/Gruuls losing its appeal to the higher level instances?? Intrest is somewhat lacking)
Hope you have a belly full of cake now Smile
There's still a bunch of us raiders that like Mags, mostly for the Bag of Gems. Just not enough folks overall, which is unfortunate, since it's quick, easy, and t4 chestpiece is good for most classes.
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)
Well, just as an opinion here:

Mags is quick and easy, but the rewards aren't phenomenal enough to make me think "hey, yeah I'd rather stick around Saturday evening and kill Mags instead of...oh...taking a walk, or watching TV". Smile

Maybe a less frequent kill schedule, or a more elaborate number of bosses would bring more people out. Since its a weekend, showing up instead of doing something else might be easier to justify for more people if there was more loot to be had.
I agree, Ely. I'd ideally like to have a raid that starts at 4, hits Mags, Gruul, and Kazzak (if he's not still wonky from daily questers). All are quick, and we could be done by 7. We've done the entirety of Gruul's Lair in under an hour before.
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)
I know that my biggest problem is actually the timing; I'd love to go, but weekends are generally reserved for real-life stuff for me. I'd like to see, say, Gruul on Monday, Mags on Tuesday, Kazzak on Wednesday, or something similar.

Weeknight World Bosses (Kazzak and that-guy-by-Black-Temple) may actually be REALLY good team-building exercises for Ironsong, now that I think of it. We've been missing the good old days of Molten Core, when we could take forty people, half of them undergeared. Well, maybe World Bosses are our answer?
Population for raids is going to be a difficult thing for people to maintain, and I honestly expect that it's going to get worse before it gets better. Don't get me wrong; I've been shown up a few times over the past few weeks only to be disappointed as well.

But let's face it, the summer season has started. Unless the weather's crappy, I'm probably going to be outside playing in the real world, and I'm guessing that I'm not the only one.

It seems like we've got a fresh crop of new 70s in the offing, as well. It might be fun for those of us with better gear and experience to help out in some 5-mans or a Karazhan run or two. I've always enjoyed taking new folks through old content. Makes it feel fresh, and I get a kick out of feeling overpowered and useful.
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
Happy belated Birthday Kosath!
World Bosses would be a lot of fun. Tuesday's the only likely day for it though. Monday/Wednesday, a huge chunk of us have other raids that we're committed to. Nothing stopping ya from trying to organize it for those days though.

Kazzak is usually fubar, due to the dailies out there now. Doomwalker is tough, but we could sure try some whacks at him when he's up. Keep in mind that the world bosses, when slain, respawn 1-5 days later, so they might not always be up.

A tuesday raid on Gruul/Mags and then taking a shot at the other one (G/M) or a world boss... that might work.
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)
I'd really like to get back into Gruul - stupid DST. *sigh* Ekama can use a few things from any or all of the above, as well, and I'd be happy to hang with the group again.

Tuesday nights actually wouldn't be bad for me, as Katherine's at choir from about 7 until about 10 PM server.
"You can never run from trouble, 'cause there ain't no place that far." - Scissor Sisters, "Lights"

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