Timeline ((OOC post))
This didn't seem to fit anywhere else.

Has anyone found any definitive information on the time line right now? I keep getting anywhere from 1-5 years between Arthas' death and now. We need to figure something out for our guild and personal lore.
I also have a question, and maybe I just missed it somewhere...but what is the timeline between when Deathwing broke Azeroth and we all wandered into a brand new, rebuilt Orgrimmar. Sorry if my perspective is a bit narrow but I spent all my time in/around Orgrimmar for the most part last night. So cool.
Shantow the Bear
The Ironsong Tribe

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." King
This bothers me too. Looking at Org, it seems like it could be a year or so from Shattering to now, but then you go out into the world and see old-growth trees that I'm pretty sure haven't been in that spot for 200 years. There must be a wizard involved...
[Image: IST_Noodle2_sm.jpg]
Count me in as one of the frustrated. There's a blue post in response to this exact question but they never directly answer it. The vague answer is here http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/...age=13#243

The quote, "Months into the future? Not quite." is confusing most people as it can be interpreted either way.

Hopefully this statement, "We also have a little something else that we hope to post for you all that should help bridge the distance a bit more.", means there more to come?

"There also has to be a certain amount of suspension of disbelief. After all, we've spent a lot of time in the old world without it changing all that much, but time was marching on anyway."

This part here to me is kind of key. So really, the environment has really been kind of evolving all along to some degree. We just haven't been able to *see* the effect of time due to technical limitations.
[Image: IST_Noodle2_sm.jpg]
The quests don't help. Some talk about it having been a few days maximum, with NPCs asking for PCs help for dealing with the consequences of the sudden changes (stuck underwater, for example). Yet, some talk about the large structures that have been built because of the Deathwing changes (large battlefronts, for example).
Hopefully one of the Ironsingers will be picking the brains of a GM soon to try and get us a more official answer. I've got my ticket in and its status is now "escalated" so we shall see. If we cant come up with a definitive answer from Blizz... the Ironsingers are going to sit down and hash out some timelines.
[Image: 3994085VvROm.png]
to answer JettaNyx's question it says here^ that it's been three years since the Horde first went to Northrend, so i'd say it's been a little less than that. if that helps any
Just got done talking with a GM regarding the timeline. The short answer is between 6 months and 2 years.

The long answer:

There are three GM's opinions as to what the official amount of time that has passed between the Shattering of Azeroth and the time that is 'now'. It hasn't been decided officially, yet and there is much still being debated on the forums.

The GM that I did talk to said that you might want to check: battle.net/wow - "The story so far..."

Personally, I feel that 6 months doesn't work with the calendar system, as it would put us in May (approximately). The GM I spoke with first said a year, and I would agree that that would be a good guess. Two years seems like it would be too long.

So, going from that, what does everyone else think?
All I really know is that Cataclysm occurs in Year 30 (as in, 30 years after the First War). As to how many months its been since the Shattering? No bloody idea, lol. I've just been kinda glossing over it.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://wow.joystiq.com/2010/11/28/all-the-worlds-a-stage-waking-up-in-a-shattered-world/#continued">http://wow.joystiq.com/2010/11/28/all-t ... #continued</a><!-- m -->
Oh, this is good. I like that it includes sections for each race on "What your character would know". Required reading, I think.

Uh, I have a question for the Ironsingers about the timeline How long between the guild hall being attacked and the shattering? A week, month I kinda want to know so I can write out what Zaevian was doing at the time of the shattering more acurately.
IMHO, I'd go by real game time for figuring out the time between the destruction of the guild hall and the shattering...What was that? About a week?

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