WoW Annoyances
Fanae Wrote:Basically, you can spec however you want, but unless you can show that your spec is effective in the situations in which the group might find itself, you can't really expect people to want to group with you. I don't think that's mean on the part of other people, I think it's understandable.
This is how I feel as well.

The game has progressed beyond some of the old spec biases that used to exist prior to the expansion. The old, "Resto druids, shaman and holy paladin only" raiding mentality where raiding groups outright banned Retribution, Enhancement, Feral, etc. Burning Crusade has completely turned all that on it's ear, and now virtually every spec has both a use and a place in raids.


Ironsong was a great place to be during the old MC days because raid leadership didn't let specs blind them. If a warrior wanted to be Fury or Arms, they could be. If a druid wanted to be Feral, they were welcome to. However, now that almost all specs are viable there is a lot more of an emphasis on having the right talents and speccing the "right way" to make those specs as optimal as possible. All this means are simple things like a Holy healing paladin not putting talents Improved Seal of Righteousness over Illumination, or something like that.

Generally our opinion is, has, and always will be that people can spec whatever way they want as long as they can do the job they're assigned, and do it well. The only time we ever get involved in people's spec or in their gear is when their performance is noticeably sub-optimal and isn't up to the level of the rest of the raid. Pretty much, that's all we shoot for: Spec how you like, do what you like, but perform as well as everyone else or what's expected of your class, and you're fine.

And if that's too much to ask for...well, I mirror Efluvious' sentiment.
[Image: 85443.png][Image: 85444.png]
Melikar Wrote:
Efluvious Wrote:
Melikar Wrote:Nah, it's good discussion.

I was in a BG the other day and people actually thought it was neat that I was a DW-MS warrior (dual weilding-mortal strike). Normally, Arms warriors (or MS warriors as they're sometimes called) dish out a lot of damage by carrying a two-handed weapon of some kind and are specced as Arms because that's considered the PvP spec. While Fury warriors are known for their dual wielding abilities and are best known for PvE.

Being an MS warrior who dual wields...well, I haven't figured out if that really is good or not yet.

It isn't Sad The way Mortal strike and it's fury counterpart are set up make the weapon choice necessary. Mortal strike does "weapon damage" plus some number. that means that a duel wielding warrior will do significantly less damage than a big two hander will do.

With fury, Bloodthirst is based solely on Attack power (you can use it even while disarmed) which means that you can use either duel wield (favored for the off hand rage generation) or use a two hander (which means you will be speccing imp slam). For more information on why see the class lead posts in strategy symposium.

Hence why I am working up the 27k honor for that huge two-handed axe. That thing would be awesome to walk around with.

Though being an Arms warrior is mainly focused on PvP, having the MS ability in groups and raids can really help.
Psst. Warrior stuffs
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
I have to say my biggest annoyance are the battlegrounds. Now, not the Battlegrounds them selfs, but the people that inhabit them. Every one I go in, no matter what one it is, everything happens the same way. No organization, everyone does their own thing. That issue I have come accustomed to, I don't bother complaining about it, no use complaining over spilled milk, right?

My real complaint comes from the people that actually complain about it in BGs, who think that their insults will make people listen to them. This person complains and complains, and nothing gets done, no one listens. This person then insults people, and expects them to do what he says. Sometimes there are two or three of them doing this.

Yes, people are going to go off in AB and leave flags undefended, this will not change. Yes people will try and run the flag and leave any of the four nodes in EotS open for attack. People will not defend anything in AV. They will always continue to fight mid-field and of course no one heals the flag runner that runs 100 yards ahead of any healer and dies.

I have never been in a battleground where no one has complained. Even when we totally blow out the alliance. The greatest part is when the loudmouth in the BG puts everyone down horribly and says things like, "This game is over just let em win so I can get my mark, u r all idiots" or something like that, and then we end up winning the game.

I can rant all day about these people but that is all I have to say about that right now.
#1 WoW annoyance: the server crashing right before you win a warbear in ZA.

That's gotta take the cake. I hate you WoW. I hate you.
Elyana Wrote:#1 WoW annoyance: the server crashing right before you win a warbear in ZA.

That's gotta take the cake. I hate you WoW. I hate you.

Did that really happen? o_o

I feel so sorry for you right now.
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
Being that my main is a Night Elf who acts like a noble (Highbourne) my biggest annoyance is the emotes and animations. Stop bouncing! Every single visual emote is horrible.

My other annoyance is that Blizzard can't seem to figure out what Highbourne are. We got a Nelf Highbourne in Naxx, Darkshore, a plethora in Dire Maul, yet the Highbourne statue in Ashenvale and every statue in Dire Maul are High Elf figures.
My most frequent annoyance (other than getting disconnected mid-fight...ouch!) is the endless Duel-challenges, over and over from the same person, twenty times in a row.

Do they actually think the first few refusals didn't count--or that spamming a challenge will suddenly make me change my mind?

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