WoW Annoyances
Bloodbound Wrote:2. Alliance Locks. Ever run into one of those alliance locks that decide to "help you" by fearing your mob that you almost have dead to run around and agro 5 mobs that it drags back to you as the lock runs away?

No, but that is horrible. o_o

I should also add PvP rogues to that list...
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
I would just like to say one thing that really really annoys me...

People telling me I am a moron, idiot, or stupid or other words along the same lines for playing a class DIFFERENTLY and Speccing them DIFFERENTLY than the class "norm's" On an RP SERVER...Role playing!

2 Examples:

1. Eruadan, Lord of Smites...Yes that means hes specced for Holy Damage and NOT Healing. (Yes I play healer, and have had no complaints yet).

2. Mokimi, Melee Huntress....Yes thats right, I play her in Melee Combat, Not ranged. Its how shes always been and not changing, thats the definate reason why shes never invited to instances...people dont know what a melee hunter can do and shes extremely different.

End Venting......
I hate that too, Eru. I mean it's a roleplay server, not everyone is going to take a run of the mill max dps spec. I mean I've read rp's about ranger undead rogues, melee battle mages, smite priests, and healingthruthunder shamans. They add flavor to rp (which should be at least a respected focus on our server) and it irks me to no end when people say "you're not specced right".

Of course I do offer advice to low levels if I look at a talent tree and see a mess that could be making their playing harder and less enjoyable.
Thanuist irks me to no end when people say "you're not specced right".

I agree that nobody has any business to tell another player "you're not specced right," until you're trying and failing to do a job that you're expected to do. The problem is that people have different definitions of failing and are exceptionally good at ignoring it when they do.

Which brings me to one of my pet-peeves: people who don't want to be good at what they do. Often, you'll offer advice to someone, say that this or that could help them do their job better, and the response will be "I'm good enough, thanks, mind your own business." I guess all they hear is "you're doing it wrong" rather than "there's a better way to do it."

It just reminds me of that kid in gym class everyone hated because he would intentionally throw the ball in the wrong direction or shoot the puck into his own team's goal, because it wasn't against the rules. Well no, its not against the rules, but it does ruin everyone else's experience when you don't do everything you can to "win". And I wasn't even good at gym class...
First, I am not going to tell anyone how to spec, but I disagree that an RP server gives people the right to spec any old way they want. It seems the opposite to me. Wouldn't you figure that a military organization like the horde ( and IST for that matter) would impose certain rules and regulations on its soldiers in terms of spec, equipment, discipline in a fight, etc..., and that if someone out and out refused, that they would end up on a stake in the sun outside Orgrimmar?

That being said, within the performance of the team, I think there is room for variation in specs. We just might need more education and imagination in how to use them effectively, and how they benefit the group.

Sorry to hijack the thread. Just my two cents, not really an annoyance.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
jabadue Wrote:First, I am not going to tell anyone how to spec, but I disagree that an RP server gives people the right to spec any old way they want. It seems the opposite to me. Wouldn't you figure that a military organization like the horde ( and IST for that matter) would impose certain rules and regulations on its soldiers in terms of spec, equipment, discipline in a fight, etc..., and that if someone out and out refused, that they would end up on a stake in the sun outside Orgrimmar?
Yea Jaba, While the Horde is a military run culture I don't think that Thrall would tie someone to a stick outside of Orgrimmar would kinda defeat the purpose he has of proveing that we aren't simple brutes. I DO however belive that the person who outright refused would be sent back to training....perhaps with a very strict teacher :twisted: , anywho I think a persons spec should reflect their pesonality no matter what someone else says, ie., Tutelary holds herself as a Protecter of her friends and until something drastic happens to change her mind she is going to remain just that a Protecter.

Just my two cents on Jaba's two cents(wait should there only be 4 cents or should I add another two ;P)......though on a RP aspect of what he said more than anything.

PS. Also sorry to hyjack the thread the original subject is a good one.
Nah, it's good discussion.

I was in a BG the other day and people actually thought it was neat that I was a DW-MS warrior (dual weilding-mortal strike). Normally, Arms warriors (or MS warriors as they're sometimes called) dish out a lot of damage by carrying a two-handed weapon of some kind and are specced as Arms because that's considered the PvP spec. While Fury warriors are known for their dual wielding abilities and are best known for PvE.

Being an MS warrior who dual wields...well, I haven't figured out if that really is good or not yet.
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
jabadue Wrote:Wouldn't you figure that a military organization like the horde ( and IST for that matter) would impose certain rules and regulations on its soldiers in terms of spec, equipment, discipline in a fight, etc..., and that if someone out and out refused, that they would end up on a stake in the sun outside Orgrimmar?
Old Horde, maybe, but I have a hard time believing that New Horde would. Come now, Thrall is a freethinker! He needs people who break the mold, like he did. Shamans ftw! If he was really that restrictive, I think every Warlock would be crucified in pretty short order.
Wakaraina Wrote:I think every Warlock would be crucified in pretty short order.

Now, there's an idea. Big Grin

Seriously, I am kind of curious as to how both Alliance and Horde would punish evil doers (murderers, thieves, deserters, traitors, etc...). In a society as depicted in the game, i.e. sort of medieval, you would figure that torture and capital punishment would be the norm. Anybody have any lore associated with this aspect of the game?

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
jabadue Wrote:
Wakaraina Wrote:I think every Warlock would be crucified in pretty short order.

Now, there's an idea. Big Grin

Seriously, I am kind of curious as to how both Alliance and Horde would punish evil doers (murderers, thieves, deserters, traitors, etc...). In a society as depicted in the game, i.e. sort of medieval, you would figure that torture and capital punishment would be the norm. Anybody have any lore associated with this aspect of the game?


Hey I resent that just because you control demons doesn't make you "Evil" Bloodbound is a Respected magic caster and while she acknowledges demons as an mostly if not all evil race that they can be used as valuable tools in combating the less manipulatable brethern and other Evils......And as in regard to the way murderers and theives would be regarded would probably depend on whether or not they murder/steal from the Hordes' citizens as opposed to the Alliances' considering that as long as there isn't all out war mostly the horde doesn't care what happens to the alliance and vice versa. And as for the Traitors and Deserters I think possibly the most likely punishments would be life imprisonment, bannishment, or execution, considering those crimes would threaten the stability of the Horde as a whole.

PS. And no I can't remember any lore as to the exact governmental state of the Horde......
An Alliance questline has to make new propoganda and kill deserters/traitors in Theramore. Not sure what Horde would do, though. I don't think there would be too many orc deserters, blood elves have obviously killed their own, forsaken kill theirs no problem, a tauren questline has you killing Grimtotems, and trolls seem to kill whatever tribe isn't their own and would kill their own if they caused a problem.

A big thing I would see in orc cullture would be to demote to peon for life.
Melikar Wrote:Nah, it's good discussion.

I was in a BG the other day and people actually thought it was neat that I was a DW-MS warrior (dual weilding-mortal strike). Normally, Arms warriors (or MS warriors as they're sometimes called) dish out a lot of damage by carrying a two-handed weapon of some kind and are specced as Arms because that's considered the PvP spec. While Fury warriors are known for their dual wielding abilities and are best known for PvE.

Being an MS warrior who dual wields...well, I haven't figured out if that really is good or not yet.

It isn't Sad The way Mortal strike and it's fury counterpart are set up make the weapon choice necessary. Mortal strike does "weapon damage" plus some number. that means that a duel wielding warrior will do significantly less damage than a big two hander will do.

With fury, Bloodthirst is based solely on Attack power (you can use it even while disarmed) which means that you can use either duel wield (favored for the off hand rage generation) or use a two hander (which means you will be speccing imp slam). For more information on why see the class lead posts in strategy symposium.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
Also, as regarding the Thrall being civilized...I think there may be some confusion here. The Horde (old and new) is a military society. Open insubordination of officials or higher ranking members are dealt more than words. :wink: What Thrall and the Horde being civilized means is that we won't kill all in our path to achieve our goals.

I am going to have to agree with Jaba on this as well. RPing a spec is all well and good until you are tasked to perform a specific operation in group play. While with the RP spec you may be able to pull it off, it often puts more stress on the other players.

*Blunt version* You can RP without affecting actual game mechanics, and if you are too proud or stubborn to do something the recognized right way, well, I'll RP with you, just not raid with you (grouping yes, raiding no). Like it or not, that is my opinion. I'm not telling you you can't do what you want to do. I'm saying I won't let your choice determine my success or failure in an encounter.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
Efluvious Wrote:
Melikar Wrote:Nah, it's good discussion.

I was in a BG the other day and people actually thought it was neat that I was a DW-MS warrior (dual weilding-mortal strike). Normally, Arms warriors (or MS warriors as they're sometimes called) dish out a lot of damage by carrying a two-handed weapon of some kind and are specced as Arms because that's considered the PvP spec. While Fury warriors are known for their dual wielding abilities and are best known for PvE.

Being an MS warrior who dual wields...well, I haven't figured out if that really is good or not yet.

It isn't Sad The way Mortal strike and it's fury counterpart are set up make the weapon choice necessary. Mortal strike does "weapon damage" plus some number. that means that a duel wielding warrior will do significantly less damage than a big two hander will do.

With fury, Bloodthirst is based solely on Attack power (you can use it even while disarmed) which means that you can use either duel wield (favored for the off hand rage generation) or use a two hander (which means you will be speccing imp slam). For more information on why see the class lead posts in strategy symposium.

Hence why I am working up the 27k honor for that huge two-handed axe. That thing would be awesome to walk around with.

Though being an Arms warrior is mainly focused on PvP, having the MS ability in groups and raids can really help.
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
Melikar Wrote:5. tank plz!? - Just because I am a warrior, does not mean I am a tank. SO STOP ASKING ME! Thank you. If I want to tank, I will offer. Don't assume that just because I'm there we suddenly have a tank. (Had this happen on more than one occasion, where we had a healer and three dps and then the group leader gets all mad when he/she finds out I'm dps as well and not a tank at the last minute because they didn't *ask*.)

Unfortunately, as a warrior in PvE you generally either tank or you don't go. This is one of the reasons I've more or less stopped playing Shurka.

My pet peeve is when you're fighting a mob and it keeps trying to run behind you because its pathfinding is off or something.

wrt the spec thing, I agree that people should use the playstyle that they prefer, but I think if you want to get groups and such you should probably pick a class that suits it rather than trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Far be it from me to "tell" anyone how to spec (though I'm happy to give advice if it seems appropriate), but it's a social game and you have to expect that people are going to pick their groupmates with some regard to potential performance if they're interested in succeeding in instances, raids, etc.

Basically, you can spec however you want, but unless you can show that your spec is effective in the situations in which the group might find itself, you can't really expect people to want to group with you. I don't think that's mean on the part of other people, I think it's understandable.
"You can never run from trouble, 'cause there ain't no place that far." - Scissor Sisters, "Lights"

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