WAR - Discussing SERVERS pg 3
I'm not entirely sure there will be an open RVR-RP server at launch.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
I vote Skavenblight for Destruction.
Skavenblight will probably be where Vor, myself and a few others will be heading (providing it's up for the Head Start)
Heh, seems Phoenix Throne will be the only RP server up at the CE head start, but the other two will be up for the standard edition head start.
WAR broke my computer, now its in the shop... stupidy WAR... atleast I have wii internets... *wanders off to go play SSBB*
Nevermind, was looking at the Oceanic.

I'll be on Chaos Wastes if anyone wants some RP RvR.

Shethkhlar Nightbane the Witch Elf.
Kretol Wrote:http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warher...war?id=266
Heh, seems Phoenix Throne will be the only RP server up at the CE head start, but the other two will be up for the standard edition head start.

I rather like the name Phoenix Throne more than Skavenblight anyway. Sounds good if I decide to make an orc. Although really, and I've seen more and more comments on this... the orc/dwarf areas seem to have way too few quests compared to the other two. I'd recommend branching out a bit when you reach your first warcamp.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
The preorder head start bgeins tomorrow, but some have already made characters in the collector's edition head start. If you're interested in finding us in the game, we'll be on Tor Elyr on the order side.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
Downloading my client now. We'll see how long this takes. *Winces and sighs* And how badly it'll affect my ability to do other things in the meantime...
Righteous are those who look up and sway with the wind,
Who look down and dance with the shifting of the soil,
Who swim with the movement of the tides!

Due to the way the Head Start was implemented, Tor Elyr was the RP server I ended up on with my Order character. Very nice server so far, I have already met some folk from Silver Hand. Small worlds, indeed.

Give Ancale a shout if you travel to her realm!

What's an Ancale?
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
Might be a misspelling of ankle .

Think she wants us to grovel and worship from the ground when we visit her realm ..... her realm she says she must
be royalty too now .

Go away for a bit and people get delusions of grandeur < grin>
Saltin (mage 375tailor ,375 enchanter)
Lucrenda (Rogue 375miner ,352 smith)
Asaram (Hunter 375skinner 351 leatherworker)
Pahakan (Warrior 350herbs 375alchemy )
Mantiki (Shaman 355miner 363engineer)
Hoti (Warlock 190Miner 350 jeweler)
Have Alt Will Travel
i'm a bit confused and don't understand the answers from the WAR forums. I preordered the SE at Gamestop. The headstart will begin tuesday morning right? Well, if i download the game from fileplanet and use the auth code from the box I got, how can I play on Tuesday if I can't purchase the game until Thursday at Gamestop? Do I have to purchase it online and blow off the $5 i spent to preorder?
Oh. and maybe i missed it. What are the guild names going to be on each server?
Goji Wrote:i'm a bit confused and don't understand the answers from the WAR forums. I preordered the SE at Gamestop. The headstart will begin tuesday morning right? Well, if i download the game from fileplanet and use the auth code from the box I got, how can I play on Tuesday if I can't purchase the game until Thursday at Gamestop? Do I have to purchase it online and blow off the $5 i spent to preorder?

The head start works on good faith. If you've got a head start code, you slap that code on your account to access the head start. There will be a grace period of undisclosed length after the head start ends for you to put in your retail code and keep your account active.

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