Silver Hand members leaving server
There have been a lot of people, both Horde and Alliance side, leaving Silver Hand. Though there has been no indication that anyone in IST is planning in leaving, I'm just wondering where this is going to put us.

Looking through some past threads here, it seems as though this is not the first time IST has had to deal with seemingly large numbers of people leaving the realm. There are people who helped us in raids leaving, people who I've (and others have) PvPed with and all the various like. IST is one of the last few, really good guilds Horde side left on SH. Or as it is slowly becoming apparent.

I just wanted to know other's thoughts on this, as it does sadden me to see good people I've worked with before head off to other, more populated servers. By the sounds of it, SH isn't so much.
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
Remember, Melikar, we've been around since launch. We've seen mass exodus from Silver Hand before. We stayed when our close allies, Rotten Luck, left for the Scryers. We stayed when they offered us free transfers to Moon Guard. We've seen deeper discrepancies in population between Horde and Alliance than now, and we stayed.

Long and the short, Ironsong isn't going away. Silver Hand is our home.
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
And remember.....

"The grass is always greener.....until you stand in it, and you realize it's the same grass as you're used to."
Shantow the Bear
The Ironsong Tribe

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." King
I am going to most likely continue to say this both in RP in game and here on the boards. We need to begin thinking of Ironsong as a TEAM.

This is a game that depends on working together. If we are all doing seperate things then really not many of us can succeed as far as we would like. We need to help each other.

The future of Ironsong will only be as strong as its members make it. This is your tribe and you joined here to be a part of it is up to you to make this a special place to be.

Sing True

Sing True Ironsong!
Dispaya Wrote:I am going to most likely continue to say this both in RP in game and here on the boards. We need to begin thinking of Ironsong as a TEAM.

This is a game that depends on working together. If we are all doing seperate things then really not many of us can succeed as far as we would like. We need to help each other.

The future of Ironsong will only be as strong as its members make it. This is your tribe and you joined here to be a part of it is up to you to make this a special place to be.

Sing True


Your posts always manage to make me really think.

ilu Dispaya. *tear*
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
I think the obituaries for the horde on Silver Hand are premature. There are many good guilds on the horde side, including us. Just recently, horde took the lead from alliance on raiding progression. Numbers aren't everything Wink

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
The less Horde, the less crowded the expansion content is going to be. Smile However like many have said we have all heard these kind of dire tails before, and the Tribe remains, the Horde remains, the Server remains. Sure things do change, but we will always be here.
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
Sreng Wrote:We stayed when they offered us free transfers to Moon Guard.

When did they do that and why? Was SH going to get kicked off the realm list?
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
Melikar Wrote:
Sreng Wrote:We stayed when they offered us free transfers to Moon Guard.

When did they do that and why? Was SH going to get kicked off the realm list?

Silverhand was full I believe, and Blizzard was discussing potential realm splits which would have ultimately split Ironsong. Thankfully they gave us a choice and we all decided to stay and enough left that allowed us to avoid the split. This is what I think happened in regards to that. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
That's correct as I remember it, Eruadan. Silver Hand was once one of the highest population servers, and frequently had queues at prime time. The RP community did take a hit from the free transfers, as many of the members of Rotten Luck moved over. There were also dire predictions of the End Of Silver Hand Horde when Stormfist and Wartorn broke up, long ago. But, then as now, we adapt and grow together. The community is what we make of it.
I hope it does not offend, but I edited the OP's title to be less alarmist especially as this is in our public general forum rather than a members-only area.
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris
Krell Wrote:And remember.....

"The grass is always greener.....until you stand in it, and you realize it's the same grass as you're used to."

From someone who has been there and transferred here, this is ooooh so true. For some reason, I was never able to level horde side on Silverhand although I have been on the server more than three years alliance side. I leveled on Sisters of Elune because of a friend and then a few more played with us there. Most eventually drifted away. Four of us (I think all that remained of our crew) recently tranferred those horde characters here, three of whom are now among the Tribe. And enjoying the Tribe as thorougly as we enjoy Alahni lo Andu, at least I am.

I, for one (many actually, considering my alt-itis *grin*), am not going anywhere now. Silverhand is "home" for me.
jabadue Wrote:I think the obituaries for the horde on Silver Hand are premature.

Now and every time they've been delivered, yeah. I've lost count of how many times SH Horde has been "on the verge of collapse".
"You can never run from trouble, 'cause there ain't no place that far." - Scissor Sisters, "Lights"
Fanae Wrote:
jabadue Wrote:I think the obituaries for the horde on Silver Hand are premature.

Now and every time they've been delivered, yeah. I've lost count of how many times SH Horde has been "on the verge of collapse".

I think it's more of a permanent thing, like a Teeter-totter with a bench under one side so you know it will never go that way, but it could be tipping the other. Also, that annoying kid on the other side is always jeering at you.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]

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