This is why I raid
Illidan Stormrage, the Betrayer

Warning: there are a few obscenities said in the very beginning, and at the very end when ventrilo is opened in the video. This is one of my favorite fights in the game, up there with Ragnaros.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
Woo! Go Eternity!

Too bad they're leaving...
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
Not so much leaving as breaking apart for now. I expect to see Curea and Baaz when WotLK hits.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
Efluvious Wrote:Not so much leaving as breaking apart for now. I expect to see Curea and Baaz when WotLK hits.

I am someone who has only heard of them. Having been on this sever for about six months, I'm not too into the knowns and unknowns.
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
I'm sorry....Eternity is parting ways?
Yeah, a number of things happened in the last few weeks, mostly just burnout snowballing. The last two weeks I could barely even attend raids myself because of a change in schedule at work. Baaz and Curea (the raid and guild leaders respectively) called off raiding. Some have transferred, some have rejoined their old guilds, a few are playing Warhammer, some are just enjoying the break from the 4night/4hour raiding schedule. I'm just taking a break from raiding and enjoying playing erratically and being able to attend moots once again Smile
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
That makes me feel so inadequate. Confusedhock:
Cool vid, I like how Maiev comes in to help, and Illidan's final lines of dialogue.
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris
Awsome vid (funny that the healadin died at the very end I thought those guys never died >.>). And am I mistaken or was their main tank for the normal form a Pally?

BTW I really hate burnout snowballing.... Its what happend to my old guild and they never recovered from it even though 4 of the 8 guild leaders were still around playing.
Yeah, our first few kills Avanya (tankadin) tanked him in normal form, though, you will notice in this video, that she dies twice, the first time right before he takes on demon form, and then when he's enraged(that's when he killed me and several others). Then Warhands, in full fire resist no less, picks him up when he's at around 20% and tanks him to the end. It's a messy kill, but it was our first back in may.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]

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