Hallow End Contest Winners!
Here are the winners of the Hallows End Costume contest 2008!!!

First I would like to say that there was a great number of contestants to chose from. This ultimately made the night a success. We had 1 Best in Show winner, A winner for each of the following categories: Wierd, Funny, Scary and Original, as well as 4 runner ups.

I would like to thank each and every one of you that came. We had alot of fun, some good laughs and a great night all together...next year though someone needs to shoot the Shade of the Horseman...he talks too much :lol:

And now...the winners of the Hallows end Moot!
The Top Prize for the Best in Show went to:

Quiniah as The Great Horn Fairy!! Be sure to congratulate her if you were unable to attend the moot.
The Prize for the Most Wierd went to:

Kernasas as the Corpse Bride!!! Be sure to congratulate her if you were unable to attend the moot. :lol:
The Prize for the Most Scary went to:

Tutelary as the Headless Horseman!!! Be sure to congratulate her if you were unable to attend the moot.
The Prize for the Most Original went to:

Neat as Beetlejeuce!!! Along with Barbara Maitland!! Be sure to congratulate him if you were unable to attend the moot.
The Prize for the Most Funny went to:

Dergash as.......Eru'Adan, The Lord of Smites?!?!?! Be sure to congratulate him if you were unable to attend the moot.
The Runner up Prizes went to:

Amato as Greatfather Winter!!! Be sure to congratulate him if you were unable to attend the moot.

Saerrina as the Teenage Witch!!! Be sure to congratulate her if you were unable to attend the moot.

Nadilynn as a Beach Elf!!! Be sure to congratulate her if you were unable to attend the moot.

and Anca as a Scarlet Crusader!!! Be sure to congratulate her if you were unable to attend the moot.
Some honorable mentions are:

Mynos as the Headless Horseman
Toranda as her sister Coranda
Melikar as Mai'Kyl
Kureei as Britney Spears (Leper Gnome)
Thanuist as the Wicked Witch
Umu as...Melikar!
and Arithalia as a Pocket Grim Reaper!!

Thank you for showing us your wonderful costumes!!!
The Hallows End moot was Hosted by:

Dispaya as...The Joker!!!!!
Photography was done by:

Eruadan as Conan the Barbarian!!!
Special guest host appearance from:

Faeriel as Dorothee!!!
Again, thank you to everyone who came, tribe members and guests alike. We only do this once a year and its great fun to be able to dress up and win prizes.

Everyone helped make that night a memorable one and I hope to see you all again next year!

(Please correct me on any wrong information)
Wasn't Kern wearing the same thing as a blushing bride for Halloween a few years ago?
Actually, Umu was Melikar for Hallow's End. xD

He said "I'm him" and pointed at me.
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
Harken cur, tis' you I spurn, Now feel... The BURN! *insert annoying headless horseman laugh here*

Hehe I just had to say it again. >.>

PS: I like the angle that you took my picture at Eru, you got the whole horse in there.

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