Eadaoin and Mirounga
(( We, the players are an out of game couple and are looking to join as a joint character concept. We both have 80s in Discord but want to experience a richer roleplay experience with our new characters. Player of Eadaoin also plays Alissandre in Discord and Annellii in Epiphany. Player of Mirounga is Tursiops and Phoronid in Discord as well as Enhydra in Epiphany. ))

Eadaoin’s Application

1) State your name and any titles that you have earned, through service to the Horde in battle or otherwise

My name is Eadaoin. (( pronounced AY-deen )) I have no titles, but I am a loyal servant of the Horde! Just the other day, I slew a dwarven infiltrator while undertaking the long trek from my village to the illustrious Silvermoon City. One day I shall be a great hero, marching against the Lich King like my Aunts!

2) List your vocation, be it Mage, Hunter, or any other.

A vocation? Well, I don't know about that, really. I'm pretty good with a bow and my great Aunt Alissandre thinks I should train as a hunter, but mostly I like to explore and study the animals I find. Maybe I could be a naturalist when I grow up! Except that I'm not very good at drawing...or writing...or anatomy for that matter... Maybe I could be a veterinarian?

3) Please introduce yourself to us, as much of your personal history as you feel comfortable sharing at this time.

Well, there isn't much to tell. I’m 95 years old and my parents raise mana wyrms on a small farm in the hills of Sunstrider Isle. Mother says I'm not like other blood elves--I get in trouble a lot--so she wrote to my Aunt. I think it has to do with my skin condition. She says it's not normal for a child to flinch at the sun and I probably have the night elf taint in my blood or something. Now they're sending me off to "make something of myself" whatever that means. Really I think they just want me out of the house, though. Ama really doesn't like mud or creepy crawly things. But all that's ok because my friend Mirounga has the night elf taint too. I'm going to journey to Durotar to find him and see if he'll come with me to "make something of myself."

4) Tell us about any professions you have taken up, such as Tailoring or First Aid.

I can mana-milk a wyrm like nobody's business! I even won a manaing competition when I was 52. Though I'm not sure how much I'm going to use this skill on my journey... I'm also a fair hand with first aid and I know which plants are used for what. I dabble in alchemy when I can find the right herbs. I'm hoping that one day I can find a cure to my night elf sickness. For now I can mostly just keep my sunburns from getting too bad.

5) What are the Clans, Tribes, or Guilds that you have been a part of in the past, if any?

I haven't been in any, but my Aunt Aliss fights with a band of warriors called Discord and Auntie Annellii...well...she just runs around with her "friend" and they call themselves an Epiphany... Neither of them has time to watch out for me though, so Aunt Aliss said she'd talk to your tribe and see if you might take me in.

6) Please describe what drew your interest in joining the Ironsong Tribe, and any memorable interactions you have had with members of Ironsong.

I've never met anyone in the Ironsong Tribe, but my aunts both say you're a collective of kind and brave people. Aunt Aliss says that you're very wise and that I should be grateful to have any chance to have my future guided by the Ironsong Tribe. Aunt Annelii says you're "totally wicked" and told me the story about how she fought the evil dragons Cyanigosa and Eregos alongside Lhuurssa, Nomekaer and Lucinther. Aunt Annelii's stories are always better.

7) What is the greatest trial you have faced, either long ago, or in the recent past?

When Mirounga went away, I was devastated. I was so happy to find a friend who knew what it was like to have the night elf sickness. He's very quiet, but I know he really understands, but then he had to leave and rejoin his people in Durotar. I haven't seen him in almost 2 years, though I keep sending him sun repellent and letters. It's been terribly lonely, but I'll see him again soon!

8) What are your current goals, or some of your greatest desires, and the reasons behind them?

I want to grow up to be a fearsome woman of the world like my Aunts! I'm not going to mana-milk wyrms till I'm 300 years old. Nosiree. One day I'm even going to journey to see Dalaran!

9) What do you enjoy most in your adventures in Azeroth?

Adventure! Wait, that was part of the question. Um...Danger? Uh, I wish I'd had more adventures to talk about. Wait, I know! Seeing new and exciting creatures!

10) Finally, have you read our Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by the rules stated in it? If so, please state so here in addition to a reply to the post itself.

Yes, I read them and they don't seem too hard to follow. I can be very good! Plus you don't have a rule about how many baths I have to take every day.


Mirounga's Application

1) State your name and any titles that you have earned, through service to the Horde in battle or otherwise

I am Mirounga. I talk to the spirits.

2) List your vocation, be it Mage, Hunter, or any other.

I am a practicing Shaman. I talk to the Spirits.

3) Please introduce yourself to us, as much of your personal history as you feel comfortable sharing at this time.

I live alone in Durotar near, but not among, my birth tribe. Sometimes I travel. I talk to the spirits.

4) Tell us about any professions you have taken up, such as Tailoring or First Aid.

I prepare and wear the skins of beasts. I've become skilled in making armor.

5) What are the Clans, Tribes, or Guilds that you have been a part of in the past, if any?

I am an outcast. An albino troll makes people uncomfortable wherever he goes, so I keep to myself. (( Mirounga was briefly in Discord for bank access, but this is being excluded from his "official" background. ))

6) Please describe what drew your interest in joining the Ironsong Tribe, and any memorable interactions you have had with members of Ironsong.

I tire of living alone and a friend has requested my company.

7) What is the greatest trial you have faced, either long ago, or in the recent past?

It is sometimes difficult to tell the spirit world from the world of the living. Always so much talk on both sides. *looks around in confusion as if deciding who to answer*

8) What are your current goals, or some of your greatest desires, and the reasons behind them?

I survive. I help my pale sister as she helps me.

9) What do you enjoy most in your adventures in Azeroth?

So many stories. So many realities. The puzzle is elaborate.

10) Finally, have you read our Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by the rules stated in it? If so, please state so here in addition to a reply to the post itself.

I have read them and I will abide.

((Edited to correct spelling))
((I haven't been around for a few months now, but I've just gotta let any doubters out there know that Discord is Good People, and it's always good to see them come to the Dark Side. Don't let anyone fool you, we are the Dark Side. Mwahaha.))
*Mirounga hears a voice in the spirit world, laughing. He shrugs noncommittally.*
*That must be one of those very rare moments of happiness in this war-ravaged world.*

*...well, either that or someone practicing their evil laughter.*

((Thank you for the vote of confidence! ...I think.))
((I've been around since 2004, and after 4+ years of endless complimentary conversations about IST - that kind of thing has got to sink into my head sometime!))
((Thank you for the kind words! We plan to be at the moot tonight and have been talking and instancing with people on our higher level characters. I always enjoy instancing with Ironsong folks. Both Mirounga and I are also avid roleplayers outside of WoW (tabletop and LARP primarily.) With those two things combined, we're both really excited at the possibility of getting to join your guild! *crosses fingers*))

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