Art stuff
Final illustration for my watercolor class at the Denver Botanic Gardens. I don't normally share this stuff too much, but I'm really happy with how it turned out.  Big Grin
Linky to the pic
Nganga Nyeusi
He is fast and is the danger.
What's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?
Ack!!  I can't see it!  When I click on the link it says "Not Found: the URL requested could not be found."

Could you link it again??  I want to see it!!

Try this one

The "http://" was at the end.
Got it!

That's beautiful, Nganga!  Very lifelike and evocative!

Very nice NG! Thanks for sharing Smile
Sorry about the link; musta cut n' pasted weirdly. Thanks for reposting it. I fixed it in the original post. Smile
Nganga Nyeusi
He is fast and is the danger.
What's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?
That's super pretty, Ng! <3
Very nice!
Just had my last graphite pencil class, here's my final illustration from that one. Grapevine
Nganga Nyeusi
He is fast and is the danger.
What's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?
Wow....Ng I have a question for you. How long did that take you to do?

It would appear that you have access to an amount of patience that I could never hope to achieve. That's wonderful. Smile
Shantow the Bear
The Ironsong Tribe

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." King
Wow, that's wonderful, Ng!!  Beautifully detailed!!!

Thanks!  Krell, I would estimate a solid... 30+ hours if you count from the initial thumbnails and composition ideas, then the final line drawing, the value study and then the final work.  This is spread over the last four weeks.

It's less a matter of having patience than it is distracting the part of your brain that gets bored so that the rest of your brain can work on the piece (in peace).  I either listen to music or have on a DVD of reruns that I know really well so I don't actually have to watch them to know what's happening.   Gotta keep the science side of my head from overthinking everything along the way.

The final drawing itself probably took 18-20 hours to complete.  In comparison, the watercolor ristra linked at the top took somewhere around 40-50 hours from initial sketches to final painting, with the actual painting part taking 25-30 hours, I'm guessing.  I think I went through a couple seasons of Castle on DVD. At least a season and a half.  Tongue  

I was physically exhausted for several days after I finished the painting, mostly because of the marathon sessions I put in the last few days before turning it in.  I think watercolor wears me out more than other media.  That was sort of a surprise to me.
Nganga Nyeusi
He is fast and is the danger.
What's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?
It's wonderful Ng. Beautiful work. When might you have a gallery show?
Shantow the Bear
The Ironsong Tribe

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." King
Heh, I wish.
Nganga Nyeusi
He is fast and is the danger.
What's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?

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