Plans for Garrison Buildings
I am just curious if anyone else has thought about what they plan to build in their garrison.

My plan is:
Small Buildings - Alchemy Lab, Scribe's Quarters, and Salvage Yard
Medium Buildings - Lumber Mill, Trading Post
Large Buildings - Barracks, War Mill
Is there anywhere I can go to review the information on Garrisons? I haven't researched any of it yet and was not in the beta testing. Those look like cool buildings, but I don't know what any of them actually do.
Shantow the Bear
The Ironsong Tribe

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." King
(11-06-2014, 06:53 AM)Krell Wrote: Is there anywhere I can go to review the information on Garrisons? I haven't researched any of it yet and was not in the beta testing. Those look like cool buildings, but I don't know what any of them actually do.

Check out for more information on Garrisons.

I am in the same boat as you, Krell. I have done no research into what they offer so I cannot comment on what buildings I want to have but do know I will set a garrison up once I get going in Draenor.
I did all my research on WoWhead. They have several in-depth guides as well as a nifty Garrison Calculator.
Level One:
The Barracks - allows my followers to get XP and therefor better rewards over time and I like having that option.
The Forge - because...well, I'm a blacksmith. I want those work orders!

For level two:
The Mine - which everyone gets a spot saved for which allows ore gathering
The Enchanter's Study - for enchanting mats
Frostwall Tavern - A daily for a dungeon with some possibly really good rewards
Herb Garden - Everyone gets this as well for gathering herbalism mats
Fishing Shack - For fishing and seeing Nat Pagle of course.

Level Three:
Stables - Being able to mine without dismounting? Check. Never getting dazed off a mount in Draenor again? Holy crap, double check! Getting rare mounts no one else can get unless they have Stables? ASDFKJHF-
Salvage Yard - I'm torn between this and the storehouse. I figure getting extra mats from missions is good though.
Trading Post - Being able to eventually have my own AH in my Garrison is reason enough.
Pet Menagerie - Everyone automatically gets this one as well. I imagine I will use it less than others but it's still fun to have.
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
Nice Mel! I didn't realize that you could DE with an enchanter's study, that's cool.

Also I think you'll really like a Salvage Yard. I don't know if you're aware of this, but in the Crates of Salvage you receive from missions you have a fairly good chance to loot item upgrades for your followers. Upgrading your follower's iLevel is needed to send them on missions to the Highmaul raid which can reward you with epic gear. Also at level 3 you can Salvage Player items as well!
Below is what I think I am going with....FYI...Garrison Calculator on WoWHead is pretty nifty.

My Garrison Plan
Nice Eru! It's a lot like mine except you have a Tavern instead of a Lumber Mill. I picked Lumber Mill because I like just wandering around zones interacting with mobs and the environment whenever I come upon them. But the Tavern instrests me a lot too because I love doing dungeons and I also think I'll like doing stuff with followers.

I think you'll like the War Mill a lot, it seems to me like *the* raiding building for your garrison. It helps you get upgrades a lot faster, through questing and upgrading followers-and then a Seal of Tempered Fate to boot!
(11-12-2014, 09:29 AM)Dentik Wrote: Nice Eru! It's a lot like mine except you have a Tavern instead of a Lumber Mill. I picked Lumber Mill because I like just wandering around zones interacting with mobs and the environment whenever I come upon them. But the Tavern instrests me a lot too because I love doing dungeons and I also think I'll like doing stuff with followers.

I think you'll like the War Mill a lot, it seems to me like *the* raiding building for your garrison. It helps you get upgrades a lot faster, through questing and upgrading followers-and then a Seal of Tempered Fate to boot!

The "lucrative treasure hunting" missions are what appealed to me the most about the Tavern. But Dungeons have always been an integral part of a new expansion and I think it would be beneficial to start with that....which by the way...can you replace a building if you don't find it suits your needs?
I'm just starting to dip into this! Here are my thoughts so far:

Small buildings (three total)

(1) Forge: Zlinka is a blacksmith and I want her to be able to make the best weapons possible, as well as be able to make the item iLevel upgrade patches.

I don't think I'll give her a profession building for a profession she doesn't have (leatherworking etc.), as she wouldn't be able to craft the best items. So, if she doesn't do any more profession buildings, that leaves (2) Storehouse and (3) Salvage Yard.

Medium buildings (two total)

(1) The Barn: This is the building that provides the WoD cooldown-limited crafting material for making epic items (called Savage Blood). So as I want to make epic items, I'll need a barn.

This leaves one slot, and I'm torn between (2) the Inn (dungeon quests, more followers, lucrative treasure hunter missions) and (2) the Trading Post (trade crafting reagents for garrison currency, AH, access to another faction, and reputation gain increase).

There are also the Lumber Mill (enables access to lumber in Draenor, which can be converted into work orders) and the Gladiator's Sanctum (PvP, but I don't PvP).

Large buildings (two total)

(1) Barracks: increases the number of followers by five, unlocks more missions.

(2) War Mill: this appears to be the raiding building. It increases gear rewards from quests and raids and grants a free bonus roll per week.

The Seal of Tempered Fate is the currency used for bonus rolls. You can acquire three Seals per week using various currencies (apexis crystals, garrison resources, gold, or honor). The War Mill give you one of these three Seals for free, so you only have to acquire two through other means.

There are also the Spirit Lodge (gives you portals), the Stables (mount benefits + allows capture and training of exclusive mounts), and the Goblin Workshop (provides engineering-style abilities like jet packs, siege vehicles, rocket boosts).

Automatic buildings

Everyone has access to four more buildings which don't take up a small, medium, or large plot. These are the Herb Garden (lets you grow herbs whether or not you are an herbalist), Fishing Shack (lets you fish in your garrison), Mine (lets you mine stone whether or not you are a miner, and exchange the stone for ore), and Menagerie (develop and enhance the battle pet game). So I'll be building all four of these, too (and I'm VERY excited about that Menagerie!)
One really nice feature of the Level 2 Enchanter's Study is that you can make Illusory Weapon Enchants, so you can make your weapons appear to have whichever enchant you like best from all previous expansions or even no enchant at all.

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Skulltaker, Orc Warrior
Former Blademaster of the Burning Blade
After much consideration, I built a tannery as my second small building. Zlinka is not a leatherworker, but she wears leather, so I think this may work out okay. I'll need to get the upgrade tokens elsewhere, though. Upgrade tokens + faster creation of burnished leather appear to be the benefits of having a tannery as a leatherworker.

I REALLY want a Salvage Yard and a War Mill but I'm not able to build those yet.

The tavern/inn is also becoming more and more attractive as it would give me access to new followers, and especially to followers that can counter abilities I can't counter yet. Hmm!

There's a lot to go for, but with Skrap, I decided I will hold myself to a Skrap theme, and the idea she's in charge of this off-to-the-side goblin munitions compound.

So I got for Smalls: Salvage Yard and Engineering works. The third will likely be a storehouse, but not sure.

Mediums: Trading Post and a Tavern. The Trading post, well, goblins love trade, plus it gets the Laughing Maw in there, who Skrap's now known to be related to. The tavern is for the booze goblins and games goblins need, and the people coming by to have a bit of sanity.

Large: Goblin Workshop (natch!) and the Barracks. I thought about swapping out the barracks for the War Mill, but lvl 3 barracks means I can make my guards into Bilgewater Goblins!

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