Dragon Soul 1/6/12
After-raid report 3-8-2012: Ultraxion down!! Great job, everybody. Logs at http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/kh4b0gpvnvunimst/
Oryx - Jadox - Koryx - Atorax - Cabochon - Hargrim - Morwen - Stillweaver - Talindrys
I looked at the logs and did not see that many deaths to melee hits. I think that Sev and I have the taunt schedule worked out, so we may not have a problem anymore. We should taunt immediately on Fading Light.
Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
Great job tonight, everybody! Deathwing will just have to learn to stay dead.

Combat log here: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/q9s4tqfdn521pq31/
Oryx - Jadox - Koryx - Atorax - Cabochon - Hargrim - Morwen - Stillweaver - Talindrys
I believe Sev can bubble or some other pally ability to get rid of the tetanus debuff. So the strategy I am thinking of is to kill the terror I am tanking first, and let Sev bubble and then, continue to tank or kill his second.
Have Mana Tide, Will Travel

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