5 man - UD strath, BRD, Scholo
Anyone interested in doing more 5 man stuff? I'm certainly interested and would love to find: A warrior, priest, rogue, and Warlock (in addition to me - 60 mage).

It would be so much fun to finish Scholo (I need 1 more deed - the Caer Darrow deed) and can't find a group that is strong enough to make it through Scholomance with only 5.

It's now very unlikely that I'd trust non-guildy's to go through these dungeons. Some people just don't know how to play their class and I'm tired of tards that "come along because they hit 60" and can't focus.

Kosath, Shillatae, Galven, Rawne, Umu, Eveline, Saltin, Molotov, Scarbelly, Sreng Where are you now that you are so desperatly needed? You are the strong! You are the most needed! You are the most likely to be successful at the 5 man!

Log on! and not just for the raids!

Thanks for letting me vent.

(( Edo and I very much enjoy Scholomance, and I'm sure we could "drag" Zinthas along with us, as well...add to that, the fact that I'm almost possitive that Rawne would 5-man Scholo with us, and we have an extremely strong group...the other places, I am less familiar with but equally amiable to attempting 5-man. The problem, then, is the timing. poEdo's schedule changes relatively regularly, but I know for a fact that we will both have weekends free. Zinthas has been rare lately, due to real life (Birthday, dentist, etc)...but, anyway... Look for us, Walt, and never fear to hop onto team speak and ask, as well....we're often on alts because no one needed us on our mains Smile ))
I have 5 manned most of the instances several times. If ya ever want the help of a shammy, give a yell.


ps. I love doing instances, 5 man or raid, so if anyone ever has a spot to fill and i'm available, count me in.
Easy, Walt. The real reason several of the people you mentioned aren't around as much now has nothing to do with raiding and everything to do with the fact that the school year is in full swing again. Me, though, I'm here. I don't get invited to a ton of stuff really, and usually just end up herbing or soloing stuff while answering questions and handling issues for the Tribe. Kosath lives across the hall from me, so he's not too challenging to get ahold of either. Heh.

Let's do it, Walt! : ) I'm game. I'll be on from about 10am game time tonight until a couple hours after the moot. Look me up if you will be in game and around.
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris

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