Five man on Scholomance for the Skyfury helm?
Last night I took the plunge and finally hit 60th level. When I was training for the last time I noticed that the trainer had a quest for me, and I did the first steps on my own. Apparently this quest now requires me to take a five man group into Scholomance.

Unfortunately I've never been to Scholo and have no idea of what to expect. Are any more experienced people willing to head in this Wednesday (11/7)? I'd love to see a new zone and would also love to get the epic Skyfury helm =)

Also, any other Shamans need this quest?
Eek...I think I posted this on the wrong forum. Sorry guys =/
(( It's a pretty rough quest, but if you find three others who are willing to go in, I know Scholomance pretty well.. have 5-manned it on several occassions and 10-manned it enough to make my eyes cross Wink It can be fun, but we're going to have to have four very strong and competent people to pull it off - I just sit in the back and heal. ))

Let me know how your raid goes, I too would like to obtain that fine Skyfury Helm (I have all the materials - just never took the plunge).
Vote Akora for MA!
I will go with you, I have two quests in there that have to be 5-manned. Unfortunately, I cannot go until this weekend sometime.
I too need to do the skyfury fight and would be willing to go anytime.

I have quests in this place as well. Feel free to call on me if you need a mage. I shall fight fiercely for I am a sworn enemy of the scourge.

Sing True Ironsong!
I have several 5 man quests for Scholomane and would be willing to go as well

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