Life and Death of Karlaki To'Ara
[OOC note: Karlaki is indeed gone and deleted. Nafiya is my new Tauren Hunter alt. Here is their story...]

Karlaki To'Ara was born and raised in Orgrimmar, living like many Troll children did. During the war years before, she followed her father, an enginner for the Horde, carrying his belongings and materials, that he would usually use to make bombs that would act as extra ammunition against the Burning Legion. It was at this time that Karlaki picked up a clean accent. Her father always told her that, when dealing with schematics and other engineers, one must always have a clear tongue, so no formulas are lost in translation.

The war brought many peoples together, as you all know, Orc fought with Human against their common foe, and the Druids woke to fight as well. Nafiya was a daughter to a Tauren Warrior slain during the war, and Karlaki and her father took Nafiya on, raising her like kin. Karlaki and Nafiya shared a common hatred for the Gnomes, a passionate loathing that rivaled the brightness of the sun, all thanks to one too many pranks and tricks. When the Horde and Alliance split and tensions grew, the two took every chance they got to play their own tricks on Gnomish children, striking back for all the rotten things done to them. Everything from crude balls of dirt thrown at the Gnome's faces to elaborate traps to lure the small humanoids into traps didn't at all help the relations between Horde and Alliance.

Reaching their elder ages, Karlaki became a rebel, learning the ways of a Hunter, while adopting the ideals of the Rogue, traveling away with her knowledge of bombs and gadgets, though not once did she ever throw an explosive. Karlaki was a heavy spender, wanting all the best armor she could afford, and that would fit her well, and found herself needing to make bombs to sell to vendors for even more money to spend. It was a vicious cycle, but she went on many adventures to seek materials to make her bombs, grenades, and other devices of fiery doom. Upon reaching her Fourtieth season, Karlaki decided it was time to aid in the Battlefields of Warsong Gulch, and so she left. She loved the chance to fire a bullet straight into the heart of Alliance soldiers, not caring about the cause, but giving in to a sort of bloodthirsty trance. It would be the end of her...

During Karlaki's trance, she spotted a Gnome Mage. Many a volley of mana and bullet were exchanged before Karlaki was frozen in place by magical ice. Another Gnome, a Rogue, came up from behind, latched onto her back, and dug a knife into her flesh. The Alliance was driven away from her frozen body, and she was pulled to safety. Grasping for a piece of charcoal and parchment, Karlaki scribbled her last requests and will to go to her dearest of friends. Coincidentally, Nafiya was her only friend.

Nafiya recieved the will a short time later, along with a large crate filled with Karlaki's bloodstained armor. She could do nothing but clean and display the elaborate, however mismatched, set of armor on a wood mannequin in her home in Orgrimmar, taking the Tabard she wore, woven with the insignia of the Ironsong, and seeking them out at the final place Karlaki wrote where a 'moot' was to be held: Brill.

Nafiya followed the advice of the note, taking up her gun and axe and traveling abroad to the dark, damp Tirisfal Glades. Frightened the whole way, she was surprised to see the small town of Brill as well kept as it was. Obviously, a young Tauren would imagine crumbled castles and abominations trudging the land. (Little did she know, one such abomination was right down the road.) The moot gathered within the Tavern of Brill, and after a few complaints of a lack of alcoholic beverages, the moot began with Nafiya recounting her tale, and explaining the note, as well as her desire to enter the guild. Condolences, and a beautiful blessing in her native language by Grandfather Palpo, and finally an acceptance into the Tribe, did much to quell the fear and pain that had been resting in Nafiya's stomach since she recieved Karlaki's final testaments.

Since the moot, Nafiya has returned to Durotar to continue and redouble her efforts at becoming a hunter, hoping someday she could become just as good as her lost friend. With little doubt in her mind, and nothing but the future to look toward, Nafiya prays the Tribe will guide her, and that the spirit of Karlaki will protect her during her travels...

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