The life before death.
**Sits down in his armchair and taps his glass on the rest**

There is much to me then meets the eye, one might say. Many have before I came to Ironsong....
Many people consider me mysterious yet open in a sense. But enough of that, let me share with you all my story.

Back when I was a boy, during my Human existence, I served under my father as an apprentice leatherworker. At 10, my mother died after a band of renegade Defias attacked our home in Westfall. After that, I was on my own trying to lead my younger sister thru her childhood. At 14, I met with a priest in Stormwind, and had a long talk. He convinced me to join the Priesthood, and sware my life to protecting those in need. While I was in the Monastery, my father and younger sister decided to move from Westfall to a small house in Ironforge. While there, my sister took up a job with the Auction House, basically controlling what items came in and out. She lost the job tho because of my fathers declining health. My father passed when I was 19. I did not see him because I was still in training at the Monastery, and I could not disrupt my studies.

Three years passed without communication from my sister, until my twenty secondth birthday. I recieved a letter from Ironforge, with my sisters name as the sender. She had wrote to me that by the time I recieved the letter, she will have taken her own life. The stress from caring and loosing my father, plus not being able to hold a steady job was too much. I was allowed to leave my studies to go and hold her funeral.

Without my family around, life became harder. I finished my training at 25 and became a full member of the Stormwind Priesthood. One day during March, a Captain from the battle front contacted me and asked for my services in battle. I headed out for Duskwood, where the Raven Cemetary was being defiled by the Scourge. During the fight we lost 13 men...including myself.

After my death I entered into the Netherworld where I was met by my family once again. I also saw something that scared me but yet peaked my curiosity. It was the Dark Lady Sylvannas. She made me an offer. Regain my Priesthood, but not as a human. I was to join with her army of Forsaken, to help defeat the people I once was apart of. She also offered that if I joined with her, my family could come with me. We could once again live together in happiness. So I decided to join.

Once I was revived and found myself at the Shadow Grave in Deathknell, I realized what a fool I was. My family was not there beside me, yet I had robes and a broken down mace in my hand. I knew I had been tricked, yet I did not care. I had the slight sensation that this was my purpose, to serve the Dark Lady and Her cause. My family seemed to not matter anymore, all that did from that point on was forming with other members of The Horde to defeat the Alliance.

So now I am of the Ironsong Tribe, a community of those who have banded together under the same cause, to defeat the Alliance. My travels have yet to end, for I am bound to eternal Undeath in this wretched state of mine. I am a walking corpse..the living dead.

**Takes a long swig of his drink**

I hope you all now understand me better...not many people get the opportunity to do so.

Sincerely and forever bound to Ironsong,

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