The Battle of Darrowshire
It has come to my attention that the Ironsong Tribe is to do an 'offical' Battle of Darrowshire raid at some point in the, hopeful, near future. In line of this, it is to our benefit that everyone who is able to get this quest line to do it!
Starting it all off, we have:
If I recall, it is rather straight forward after you find her. She's in a house slightly SW of the main section of Darrowshire, and I'm told you can pick the quest line up right from her, though I'm unsure if I did myself or not.
Give me a few day's notice before the event. I'll be glad to lend a hand and finally get my ring.
I need to complete this task as well, and will be willing to hlep after I return. ((the 18th or so))

Vil needs to do this as well, so just let me know when you plan? You know me and my schedule, heh.
Also, while I cant say when it'll happen, anyone doing it is free to ask me for help if I'm not currently engaged in something else ingame.
Well, let's see if we -can- organize something here.

Anyone who wants to do this quest THIS WEEK, please post below if you will be able to participate on Thursday or Friday afternoon or evening. I'm just picking arbitrary days here, so we're capable of moving the times around if no one is free. But it's always easier to work with a defined limit.

Please put down the day(s) and time(s) you are free, to make this a little easier on me.
I am free any day of the week before 12 or 1 p.m., server time, or after 9 p.m. server time, or any time on Mondays (also any time next Tuesday, but the second day varies week-to-week). So no afternoons or evenings for me. :/
Both Chaska and I are available for thursday/friday -- safe to say after 1pst.
I can do it Thursday, have to work Friday.
Heh heh, still haven't gotten around to this one. I can come Thursday as long as we're done before 6 PM PST, Friday I'm available all day up until MC.
Well, Thursdays seem to be the better of the two days. But timing is off. If we put this off a week, who can manage to be in the Eastern Plaguelands at, say, 12:30pm server time? I'm sorry for not calling a time for this week, but this is a serious raid quest. Having 3 or 4 people trying it is not a good idea.
Thursday, May 25, 12:30 pm, server time, should be able to be there. :lol:

Try puttimg it on the Calendar, Amato, that will make more aware of it.
That time works for me too. Smile
I should be able to make it as well, though I have to leave at 1:30 for work. I don't remember it taking longer than an hour, so should be fine. Smile
Dis may be a bit old and ya probably did it already, but I am new to da guild and missed the opportunity. so if anyone be needin' ta do dis i'd be honored ta help.

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