Mell's LBRS Run
Let this serve as a record that on (5/21/06) Mellith led a rag tag band into LBRS. This group consisted of herself, Calshak, Krell, Mantiki, and Dispaya.

For 7.5 hours we battled denizens of the deep. Wipes left us rebattling the same minion respawns over and over. Items were beginning to go red but we had enough res power to keep going.

Along the way Mel finally >dinged< to 60! What a memorable event!

By the time we reached Wyrmthalak we were destitute. Almost no armor and weapons and the group had to resort to wearing green item drops from the instance to press forward. A final wipe in Wyrm's chamber left us feeling hopeless...but we came up with a plan. Mell returned to town to buy reagents so she could res. She then snuck back to us past all the respawns and resurrected the group.

We faced Wymthalak and took him down. Victory at last.

The only testament I can make is that this group was not only skilled but incredibly stubborn. They refused to give up. Yes we could have been better prepared...and we could have given up...but I think we were having too much fun.

My compliments to a great adventure and a great group.

7.5 hours

No priests, no rogues, no anks, no reagents, no boundaries.


PS: I nicknamed this event the "Great Ironsong LBRS underwear run" as by the end that is pretty much what we were down to.
Sing True Ironsong!
You are in good company, I believe that the first Tribe-only run of LBRS took about that long as well. Kosath-Shillatae-Eveline-Fleethoof-Sreng, about a year ago. : )

Congratulations Mellith and the Underwarriors!
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris
Hooray for the great stealthed-druid-wipe-savior move!

I love that one.

I must admit...this was one of the funnest instance runs I have been a part of. We were all on TeamSpeak together chatting the whole time, and just having a good time.

As Dispaya mentioned, we could have been better prepared. Sure. But half the fun for me was trying to figure out how we can finish the run and maintain our sanity.

After the run was completed, I had a number of people whispering me asking why it took so long. Funny thing is, unless I was watching the clock, I would have never guessed it had taken that long. Time flies when you're having fun I guess.

All in all, the run was going pretty well until we reached the big room before Wyrmthalak. We had a rough pull in there and wiped. But we didnt let that get us down and we re-entered the instance to push forward. Then, we had some bad luck trying to sneak past a few mobs so we could avoid some pulls....and then there was the hilarious incident with the mind control helmet malfunctiong....

The run was finally over when Wyrmthalak fell to our might (haha), and poor Dispaya was wearing nothing but a Robe that she had in her backpack, and Calshak was equipping grey items. His shield had been completely destroyed, but luckily we had picked up a grey buckler...

For Krell, he managed to escape with all his armor still in fairly good shape. Feign Death is a beautiful thing!

O, and the best we even took a short food break along the way. All five of us going afk so we can get some food and drink in us. Hilarious.

Anyway, while I don't personally recommend that each one of you go out and run LBRS in over 7 hours...I would ask that each of you take a page from our books, and when the goin gets rough, keep plowing ahead...and if you find yourself equipping a "grey" buckler....than just maybe you can be a part of the Underwear Team!

Orc Hunter
As the "leader" of this Underwear Run, I felt I should comment...

As I said during the fight, if I had been with a pick-up-group, I probably wouldn't have stayed as long as I did. However, since this Tribe has such a unique spirit and is so much fun to work with, I had fun through it all instead of pulling my hair out.

And yes Fleethoof, the sneaky druid rez is a beautiful thing. So is the druid tank when your warrior's armor is all destroyed. *hugs for Calshak*

Thanks everyone who went, it was fun getting to know you all (and the instance!) a whole lot better.

So, who wants to go to the Spire?! *smirk*


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