REROLLING VOR'TOK -- Please read
Hello everyone! I do hope this is the proper area to be posting this under. Due to my desire to change a minor detail in my character's appearance as well as the direction in which I'm taking his RP story (check it out in the Salty Sailor!), I've decided to reroll Vor'tok if I can get a few things to fall into place. One of these things being full support from those who can help me level Vor back up to 60 as quickly as possible by running through instances and helping out with elite quests, etc. I really have no time for PUG's and I only trust forming at-level parties for instances with members of Ironsong because I know everyone here is a competent player. To anyone who would be willing to help, if I do indeed go through with this, please post here to let me know! I have no words to express how greatly I appreciate those who do!
Cora and I have a variety of high teens to low 20's alts, when we're around. Going to be busy for the next week or two, though.
I will help, one of me, at any rate.
I've got a level 19 druid, and a low teens hunter.. as well as a 31 warrior that I'd be willing to party with you from time to time.. I'm kinda slowin' down with wow, to pursue more real life stuff... but I'm sure I'll be able to instance a bit with ya.
Mini-Moot would be a good place to go on tuesdays for help.....however if you need I have a couple Characters ( Animo a druid-in Ironsong, Mirshana a rogue and Leeloominai a shaman-Not in Ironsong but my alts none the less all three are lvl 20 or close to it) That can head out with you.....just ask Mokimi for help if I am not busy.

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