Finishing Karazhan Attunement
I have finally reached the step where I need to enter the Black Morass to finish my attunement for Karazhan. I understand this quest is purely obnoxious and frustrating, but I am in dire need of aid in getting through this as group layout is critical. That being the case, I would be most appreciative if I could beseech the services of a warrior, priest (shadow or healing; or druid, feral or rest), two DPS classes, and an off-tank.

I am hoping to attempt this tomorrow (Monday) night as I do not have many other nights this week to attempt such an undertaking before my presence may be needed for such Karazhan runs. So if someone willing to aid in the matter will either post here or alert me in-game, I would be most indebted (seriously, you name it, I'll help with whatever).
Im not sure if you are reffering to Your pally or your rogue, but regardless, I can tank it for ya.
Hmm, my numbers added up to 6 in the group rather than five. My thanks for volunteering, Dai!

We just need two DPS classes now (caster or hunter), and a priest or druid (healing or damage-dealing). Dependent on what the priest or druid's spec is, I may or may not be off-tanking.
Faekiira Wrote:Hmm, my numbers added up to 6 in the group rather than five. My thanks for volunteering, Dai!

We just need two DPS classes now (caster or hunter), and a priest or druid (healing or damage-dealing). Dependent on what the priest or druid's spec is, I may or may not be off-tanking.

I'm no caster or hunter but I'd be more than glad to help this evening.. I need to finish my attunement too.
having two warriors is not a bad thing in the Black Morass. You should consider taking both Daichallar and Grazak.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
I think that would be an intelligent thing to do too as I know I'm as good an off-tank as a dead... thing... so, let's change what is needed now to two DPS classes. Something that can turn out unreasonable amounts of damage and at the same time not be a recipient of damage would be ideal. Warlock, Mage, Hunter, or shadow-Priest.

Thanks for the advice guys, I keep posting stuff and then realize that what was said was incredibly non-sensical. I'm really a more intelligent person off the forums, I swear. <chuckles>
How are the requirements for Black Morass? Level, gear, any attunments?
From what I am told thus far, it is a section of the Caverns of Time where players perform a quest with a timer of 35 minutes and they are required to fend off 16 waves of monsters at an almost continual pace as well as something to the effect of 3 bosses. Heavy damage output is needed as portals are opened for each wave and there is a main creature that needs to be killed before the portal closes while other beasties pour through the portal in the meanwhile (good motivation to increase DPS). Time is of the essence, endurance is hard-pressed, and damage is required in excess.

So, in answer to your question, level 70 would be wisest, and an intelligent group composition is recommended (tank, off-tank, healer, DPS, DPS). As for gear, the better it is, the more advantage you have. However, this is from what I have been told on the overall encounter. I may be able to breath more easily and paint a happier picture once I know to what extent this area pushes a group.

The general consensus on this area is that one does not merely go here for the fun, hehe. This is the last step for the Karazhan attunement questline, so that is sufficient reason to get it over with. There aren't any actual attunement quests that I'm aware are necessary to enter the Morass itself.. it is possible someone needs the actual attunement quest to help the group gain entry. Other than that guess, I have no idea.
Figured it would be a level 70 thing, darn. Well if you can't find a last member, I'd be willing to give it a shot as a 68 hunter.
Turns out I failed to note that I needed to rescue Thrall before I could go into Black Morass, so that was posponed from tonight. Big thanks to those who helped in Old Hillsbrad. Going to make another attempt for Black Morass on Tuesday and Wednesday night, will see who I can turn up for it.

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