I'm thinking of running a weekly ToC for our new 80s to get geared up and ready for ICC. I'm creating this to see who'd be interested. New 80s or our veterans if interested are welcome, I only ask that participants be decently geared (I'm really not THAT picky, and getting triumph geared only takes a few days).

Ideally I'd like this to be a 25 man but more than likely it'll be a 10 man but we'll see what we end up with. I'm thinking Fridays at 6 but can swing other days/times depending on whos interested and what schedules we have. I hope to get started next week or the week after.
As much as I'd be interested in joining in, there are a couple obstacles.

1) While my days off don't change, which day I have as "my" day does.

2) At the beginning of August, I'll be switching back to Night shift (1900 to 0730-ish) for three months.
I wouldnt mind filling in as needed when I can. I have more'n few alts that could use the exercise. Fridays I try to spend with my husband, but I can swing one or two here and there. I couldnt commit to being a regular.

Never did finish it on 25-man heroic. That'd be kinda fun.
[Image: 3453992ixyXB.png]
I have a lock, Donalnob I'd be happy to bring. I won't put in for a time or day, you shouldn't plan around me.

“He lives not long who battles with the immortals, nor do his children prattle about his knees when he has come back from battle and the dead fray.”

Homer, The Iliad
Im in for Friday until ICC-10 starts up again.
I have many alts for all sorts of roles.

I think some are ok for gear.
You can count me in. I've got just about all the gear I can get without raiding so I guess it's time to make that leap.

Tuesdays and Fridays are already taken up with ICC-10 for me. But if it's on another day, I have either my holy paladin who can go or my warlock. Smile
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]

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