Who still needs Kingslayer?
Korean holiday next week. I may be able to lead a raid on Fri., Sat., Mon., Tues., Weds. next week. Starting 9/17 at say 700p server (700a Sat. morning for me).

I can bring a healer.

Who wants to go, or might be willing to help out. The idea would be to blow through 10-man as quick as possible to get remaining people their title.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
I do.

While I am currently bouncing off Arthas in my 25 man, I would love to participate in an IST 10 man kill.
I am available Friday and Saturday. (The other days I have plans).

If need be, I can bring the 5600 GS tree or 6050 GS hunter.
Ummm I will have to look at my schedule but I think I can do all those days BUT Saturday. If anyone remembers Xartok...his bachelor party is that night and I am obligated to attend as I am his wife to be's Man of Honor....
We would have to start on a new instance, but maybe we could get him down before Cata.
Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
I am so IN!
I'm available all weekend long. Just send an invite with the calendar.
Jaba has this in the calendar for "SIGN UP". Check your in game calendar and just select the days you are able to attend. I think its guild wide so everyone should be able to see it??
Totally would on Mel, but I am unfortunately saved to Don's ICC group.

I would go on Kardwel (heals), Sentei (warlock dps) or Sydian (mage dps) in hopes of getting some better gear since I'm guessing a lot of others don't really need it at this point. Just let me know who you'd like me to bring. Smile
[Image: AWOeJWn.png]
Saturday night we are going to try it at 700p Server. We probably had between 5 and 6 Friday. We might make it but we need a couple of tanks.
Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
eddge is geared enough to tank/ OT the first few bosses, however, after that, he's probably worthless.
[Image: 3994085VvROm.png]
I have had something come up and won't be able to do this on Saturday. Maybe you can self-organize.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
There were 3 online at 7pm Saturday. I missed logging in at 7pm Friday, but I hear there were about 7 online.

No worries, I can pick up the title in 25 man or in the future. I hope Meli can also find an avenue. (Not sure any more else needs it and is stressed about it)

Thanks for trying, Jaba,


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