To Honor the Elder's *Edit*
Ironsong, I am in need of 4 brave individuals to assist me in honoring the Elder's of Azeroth. These particular Elders I wish to honor dwell within the Dungeons of Northrend.

I plan on entering these dungeons tomorrow eve @ 19:00-19:30 Azerothian Time...the path will be as follows:

1. The Nexus
2. Azjol-Nerub
3. Halls of Stone

((Saturday, during the day/evening)) we shall enter:

5.Utgarde Keep
6.Utgarde Pinnacle

Finally I plan to enter:

((Sunday During the day or evening))
7.Gundrak ((Heroic))

I thank you for those who choose to assist me with this.

((This is for the Elder Achievement...unfortunately I can only take 4 and Gundrak needs to be on Heroic. This will be pushed and my goal is to plow through 3 instances a night, and the Heroic for the last night For each instance besides Utgarde Pinnacle and Heroic Gundrak, I am willing to take those who meet the minimum level requirements, but 1 must be a Tank...those who have just specced protection and want practice this is a good time to learn. I am on holidays starting next Wednesday so am in a little bit of a rush to complete it before hand.

For the Heroic Dungeon I will be asking for a solid group of DPS and a Solid, experienced Tank to allow for swift success. It is not my intention to exclude anyone but Heroics are significantly more difficult.

A last note...I know this may turn alot of you off from volunteering, but we are a Role Playing guild, Priority will be given to those people who are after the title for Role Playing Purposes. This title is 1 of the 2 or 3 titles I want to achieve for Eruadan for RP purposes. Thanks to those who volunteer))
((Might we be able to rotate some folks in and out of the groups quickly as each dungeon is finished? I would offer/ask to go with the group but that would be two healers and Saerrina is definitely not dps-ready.))
((I am not too concerned about having 2 healers in the regular dungeons. Many a time I have instanced with Jabadue and filled the roll of DPS, fine.

As for swapping people out...that would be a thought I never considered...This is most definately possible actually...It wouldn't be for too long a time though as I would like to make sure that I accomplish my plan of completing all the dungeons by the end of sunday, and not take up too much of anyones time.

Yes....for those of you who wish to take advantage of our success and speak with the elders in these are welcome to do so. We will complete the dungeon and I will sit at the location of the elder and swap out some folks...10-15 minutes max for each dungeon. I will try and remember to notify the tribe before we engage the final boss so you can make your way to the dungeon and allow for swift swap outs.

I hope this works for everyone, and thank you Saerrina for bringing that up))
I visited all the Northrend dungeon elders in a group of just four people, and it took us around two hours total. So I bet you could easily get this done, swap in a number of people, and still be well within your time frame. I'm not available during the week or I'd offer to help. Good luck, though!
Unfortunately I got caught up in something tonight and ran out of time to get this off the ground....I will be attempting to do this all day Saturday and Sunday for the reservations needed...I will ask for volunteers the day of and will have more time to swap those out who need them.

I am also cutting out the full instance will only be a clear up until the elder and then on to the next.

I hope some of you are willing to help me with this.

See you then!
Good luck with this! I will be away but my experiences getting the title early this week were good, all but one of the elders are halfway in or less.
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