Spotlight: Tricks of the Trade
Tricks of the Trade

Tricks: the rogue Misdirect

It gives all your threat for 6 seconds (10 if you have the TotT glyph) to a target of your choice (the tank). Make a macro that will target the current tank, cast Tricks of the Trade, and return to your original target:

#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/tar Name
/cast Tricks of the Trade

Where Name = the name of the tank you want to trick. Watch threat on Omen, and use Tricks pro-socially to help the tank hold aggro on the target. Tricks is especially useful when there is a threat wipe and the tank has to regain control of a mob in the middle of a fight.

Tricks: buff your fellow rogues

Rogues can trick each other every 30 seconds to give each other a DPS boost. If the tank has solid aggro, arrange with another rogue to exchange Tricks.

To exchange tricks with another rogue, here's a macro that will select the target rogue, cast tricks, then go back to your previous target:

#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/tar Name
/cast Tricks of the Trade
/w name I've [Tricked] you!

Where Name = the name of the rogue you want to trick. This macro shows the cooldown on Tricks, and sends a warning message to the target rogue to let him know he's been Tricked. The alert is helpful because (a) Tricks boosts threat so it will alert the target rogue to a possible threat increase (If you're the target, watch your threat), and (b) the alert will remind you to cast Tricks on another rogue. (I figure tanks don't need this kind of whisper cluttering up their chat channel, so I don't have an alert in my tank macros.)

In addition, you can run the "Trick or Treat" mod which will (a) wait to cast tricks until you attack, (b) alert the target, and © calculate how much bonus damage you gave to the other player and whisper it to them. I have this mod installed but so far have found all the whispers rather distracting and unhelpful, so I've turned it off for now.

On Zlinka, I have four Trick macros ready: one for each of three tanks, and one for a fellow rogue. This way I can bump up the threat of any tank if necessary, or trick my fellow rogue if the tanks are holding aggro. I just change the target names at the beginning of each raid.

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