((Leave of absence))
(( For the month of November I am to find a second job and spend all my time working to catch up on my bills and stuff. Hopefully working well over 40 hours a week. Apparently WoW is too much of a distraction for me, so I'll have to give it up. I would like to hope that this will only last through November, but there's a good chance of it going through December as well.

(( First I lose my hair, now I lose my pasttime...excuse me for my seemingly facetious priorities, but I just can't help but be angry with my inability to live for what I thought were simple enough joys in life. I shudder to think that I'll get too wrapped up in the real world to come back to this.

(( Here's to hoping I don't lose my effing mind in the coming months. ))
Good luck, Urlacher. We'll be here, and you will be missed.
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris
((You were forced to cut your hair? I think that is terribly sad, I wish society didn't have such preconceptions regarding appearance. Long haired men are one of my favourite things!

I wish you all the best in your new endeavors. You are going to get through this, and hopefully stay sane, as you've said! Know that we'll always be around, and will welcome you back when you are able to return. You may certainly continue here on the forums, of course!

Best of luck to you! ))
((See when ya return!))
(( I'm with Evie.. I like longer haired men, and I rather like it after a weekend when poEdo's scruffle starts getting soft...dang Navy "clean cut" rules. ))
Hang in there, buddy. Tough times are, well, tough, but they do make us stronger. Bear up, and as the Romans said, "Amor Fate", or "Love your Fate".
[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]
Sreng Wrote:Bear up, and as the Romans said, "Amor Fate", or "Love your Fate".
And I'd like to point out that it's the Romans who inspired short hair, that even two-thousand years later is back in fashion as the norm.

Long live the long hair! Hope you come back resolved and happy!
(( *laugh* Great to have all the support for my freaking hair. Yeah, did I mention what I do that I had to get all "proper" for? I'm a graveyard shift stockboy. Figure THAT one out. Ha. I haven't cut my hair in well over a month now, and in additional spite have a scruffy manboy beard. No one's said anything yet :twisted:

(( When I do get my haircut, I'll only cut the top so as to proportion it right. Right now it's like twice as long as everything else, so if it grew out I'd look like Glen Danzig when he was in the Misfits or something. But I'm pretty sure I can get away with something like Hayden Christiansen...

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(( ...so I should at least do that.

(( Oh, and I think I can come back in December. Things looked a little bleak there but some cool things just happened cutting ~$60 off from my monthly bills and I've collected on some $180 the gov't owed me. So maybe I might not be TOO grounded in work. Eh..when I do come back it'll suck. Won't be going all crazy with 9 hour sessions like I always would. Probably a more healthy three or so. And...less times a week :? But...better than nothing. I've been trolling MySpace profiles randomly in my small amounts of free time *shakes head* so....lame...))

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