The Great Race of Azeroth 2
..........Greetings mighty Ironsong...

....I am Bovinian Blackhorn,and a good many of you already know me..and know of my time with the Crusaders of the Horde.Though I no longer wear the Crusader tabbard,and now wear the Rotten Luck tabbard proudly,there is still some "Crusader" left in me.
...One of your fine members recalled some events that The Crusaders held,and we spoke of such at your last Moot in Marhsalls Refuge....I of course assumed it was the race....but this Ironsong member was talking of our very first event called Dwac Nar in RazorHill Durotar..I explained the race to this person and got a rather pleasent response to the idea of a sequal...

When the Crusaders put on this race last was a guild effort and took many people's time and gold...but we created a fantastic event that can happen annually as I have saved all the groundwork.The Crusaders are no more,and I have asked the help of my fine guildmembers of Rotten Luck.

Rotten Luck has been hit with some drama lately..and right now may not be the best time for the guild to sponor an event of such proportions...I have asked those that be interested to help..but I expect that I will need more help than they can give at the moment,and since Rotten Luck and the Ironsong Tribe are the biggest RP communities we have on our server and since this is going to be a RP event...I have come to you for help..

I will need race officials (refs) and race player characters (RPC's)....I will need people to create and donate the materials for a deadly blunderbuss....many of them....and I will also need help in collecting the prize money...last year I had 850 gold and took donations for the rest,and did it all within guild...I dont have near 850 gold...but I imagine I can come up with 500 myself by the time race day starts...

I am hoping to launch the event on New Years about 3PM...and conclude when the last team crosses....around 9PM...Race Officals and RPC's are the only ones going to be allowed knowledge of race details....

So....anyone interested ??? Questions??

How does one kill that which has no life!?
I am interested in helping, Bovi. Not sure what I can do, but we have time.
Excellent.....once we get some more people ...We shall get to work Smile

How does one kill that which has no life!?
I may be interested, not so much in the racing but in possibly being a checkpoint. Depends on work. But it does sound really interesting!
Well unfortunately....there isnt near enough interest within Rotten Luck or Ironsong to pull this race off..and it is too big for me to do with only a couple-few people ....

Perhaps some other day..

Thanks anyways guys,
How does one kill that which has no life!?
We have a guild moot tonight, perhaps you could attend as a guest and detail what you have planned? Many of our membership don't read the boards on a regular basis. I am sure there are many that would be willing to help once they know of this opportunity.

(Incidentally I was in Crusaders with you, I knew I had met you before Smile)
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
Ack!!! Sadly the spirits didnt allow me to attend your Moot!! Perhaps next week Smile

Yes you were a fine Crusader Grymfang...I am happy you found a good home with Ironsong Smile

How does one kill that which has no life!?
If you are not able to make the moot next week perhaps you could send me the information, I would be more than willing to present it to the tribe on your behalf.
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
I should be able to make the Moot this week...However...the information is all in the Forum here already....the story ((it is a RP event afterall Smile )) and all of the rules are posted here in the Ironsong forums...

What we exactly need Grymfang,is 10 more people....beacuse we need about a dozen people to pull this off... 10 of these people need to farm 2000 gold ((200 per person))...2 of these people need to farm the materials to make at least 30 Deadly Blunderbluss'.....and all 12 of these people need to be present on race day...either to oversee a checkpoint or police cheating...of these 12 on raceday....I will need at least 4 to stay for the whole race.. (its a 4-6 hour race)

Myself....I will be farming 200 gold...overseeing at least 3 checkpoints ((start ,middle somethwhere , and finish)) and organising the teams...

Ideally more than 12 people would be great...but we need at least 12 so this doesnt become too big of a grind for any one person...Last year...about 6 people put this race together and I wont allow that to happen again.

Hopefully see you at the Moot Smile

How does one kill that which has no life!?
I missed the Moot because Reckoning has invited me to raid with them in the BLackwing Lair..Something I am rather excited to do because it is a place I have little experience with..THey raid Blackwing every Thursday and it is going to be hard for me to make one of the Moots to explain the race..So if people could be directed to the forum and interest generated here...that would be great...IF it is not meant to be...then perhaps another time..

Thank you Ironsong for trying Smile

How does one kill that which has no life!?

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