So you want to come to Karazhan...
Who Am I?

Sometimes i forget Tongue
Saltin -Fire speced mage in vangaurds raid but willing to step out to let others have some fun.
Lucrenda-hammer/combat rogue
Asaram- beast master hunter

These are the 3 keyed for khara

Soon to come
Mantiki -shama spec varies
Hoti- warlock spec varies
Saltin (mage 375tailor ,375 enchanter)
Lucrenda (Rogue 375miner ,352 smith)
Asaram (Hunter 375skinner 351 leatherworker)
Pahakan (Warrior 350herbs 375alchemy )
Mantiki (Shaman 355miner 363engineer)
Hoti (Warlock 190Miner 350 jeweler)
Have Alt Will Travel
I'd go to Kharazan if I ever got keyed.

Have a 66 pally that I kind of thought would be a raid character. My 70 hunter just needs to do Black Morass and he'll be keyed. But, alas, it's hard to get a group for that.
Nico...hunter...well right now is marks with a lil survialish but it is not set in stone.

Fili...look for Rabanasta in the flg channel. He needs that run as well I think for his key. A hunter also, and is an appy of the guild.
For those wanting to find groups for key runs and such, join the channel: IronsongLFG if you haven't already done so Smile
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)
Filiminjaru is keyed and ready to go. I went last night with team smash and grab. I would definitely like to be in any khara raid.

Unfortunately, availability changes from week to week

Marksman hunter

I'm a bit late getting on the Karazhan bus (didn't hit 70 until somewhat recently). I still have yet to set foot in there, and I'm really looking forward to it, so hopefully I can find a spot somewhere. Thanks!
Pinto, the lil warrior

Best days for me should be Weekends too. Sat or Sundays.
The Truly Bovine Expert



also have a lot of friends that are interested.......

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