The person above me...
The person above me melted my face in several duels. Sad
The person above me was quite wise in his choice for race when creating his warrior! Wink
The person above me is wise beyond his years in the ways and workings of the computer!
Merrina - Troll Huntress
Dannae - Troll Priestess
Aya'Tor - Orc Warlock
Zyndala - Blood Elf Mage
Zerrah - Forsaken Death Knight
The person above me was amazing at keeping bunches of n00by healers in line!

( Yes, mama. Sorry, mama. *toes the ground* We won't do it again! )
The person above me always rezzes me even when she says she wont!
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
The person above me has thankfully been a very good and patient source of warlock advice.

(...I wonder if they ever de-nerfed the imp any...)
The person above me has been a great long-standing member of the Tribe! ^_^
The person above me breathes life into the Ironsong website and forums and it couldn't be as awesome as it is without him.
The person above me smells like pumpkins!
The person above me serves the great and all powerful Mr. Wiggles
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
The person above me appreciates a good hip-swaying strut.

Orcgirls ftw. *nodnod*
The person above me is Vanea's best friend in the universe.
(O.o )
( > < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny and this attached message into your signature to help him on his quest for world domination.

Zhebra, 70 Troll mage
Polled, 70 Tauren huntress
Diljabar, 38 Orc warlock… reincarnated…
The person above me most likely owns a collectors copy of GrandMaster Flash and the Furious Five's 'New York, New York'........Hip Hop Old School Foever!

The person above me makes being a sword warrior look tempting.
The person above me is a wickedly good DPS'er and above all else, friend. And a crazy Canadian one at that! (Which is another excellent compliment all on it's own! *grin*)

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