Some rather amusing...
search-phrases and words that have been used to eventually click on a link to the IST forum from various search engines..

"ironsong tribe", "ironsong", "the ironsong tribe", "", "the ironsong tribe - silver hand" - Okay, these were all obvious.
"damage meaters" - ... okay. Damage that meat...
"durnholde keep footlockers", "lockpicking in lost rigger cove" - Do we have some sagely rogues in our ranks or what? Wink
"hamerpet" - What the heck?

I figured folks would enjoy a chuckle. Hehe Smile
hamerpet! that was mine!
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
You killed a hunter named Hamerpet on January 11th apparently.

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