West Coast Moot! A signup!
About a day and a half away...

Oh.my.freakin'.*insert many other expletives here*.gosh.

I'm all smiley and excited and nervous and stoked and woo! :X

/commences the freakout stage.

See you lovely lot tomorrow! <3
Just a reminder:

I strongly suggest that everyone plan for themselves dinner for thursday night, we'll be starting group fooding stuffs on friday. as Nar and I will be arriving sometime with group food at like 8.30 or so thursday i think.

There's a 0-30% chance of percipitation on friday - monday, being partly cloudy on sat/sun. My guess is a few sprinkles here and there. I'll get a tarp/pop-up thing as well.

Also, I called today to do reservation stuff at the park, and uh. there's a lot of spots open for this weekend. "a lot" as the gentleman (Bill) said. So whomever gets there first will get the wonderful privilege of discovering the site for camping (good thing -- whoever does it will get 1500xp and +4000 ist faction *nodsnods*).

I figure that Krell or Kosath will make it up to the area first, probably check into their lodging something like ~2 or 2.30 pm. Tet will be arriving sometime in the early evening I presume, along with sound and ebberk, eflu on friday evening.

Meal that Sound, Krell and I will be hosting: We decided on doing a Taco/Burrito bar kind of thing. So we'll be cooking that for dinner on friday or saturday for everyone.

(note: I'll be posting a bit more once I get a smidge more info from the RV park.. I'll be calling again in a bit)
10-Day Weather and Allergies (Thayer thinks of everything) Forecast for Lakehead, CA.

Bring out the toques! Possibly!
Yeah, I may not see a lot of you until friday some time unless you arrive early. Getting up at 4AM EST and flying across country will probably have me wiped out pretty early for PST. I hope you're all ready to get up by 6AM every day though. Big Grin
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
Providing we do not forget the coffee pot (*duct tapes it to herself*) I have zero issues with 6:00 am... We only have four days to be insane together, best to squeeze every bit of time possible out of it!

Remember to post any food requests/allergies/objections/ideas SOON as we will be shopping in umm... 5-7 hours from now, depending on when I get off from work!

Also, may I say that the Sara(h)s are in complete agreement insomuch as the general ommfgdssfomfg-it's-almost-here kind of feeling. Whee! /flop
I hope you guys have a great moot, and I wish I could be there with you.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
Have a great time, guys! I'm truly sorry I can't be there, but I'll console myself with having to play host to five 20-year old Swedish girls.
I'm going to Psions. Sorry guys.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
So, how was it?

Pics please, of moot and of swedish girls.

[Image: 2426811FELbm.png]

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