Vanguard Raiding - Taking a break. (Title Changed)
Eatmore Wrote:Lupus, if people who want to do Kara that havent gone much show up on tuesday I wouldn't feel bad. The fact is we have brought one new person in who wasn't an alt of SnG or Vanguard and that person came 3x, got her loot and left to not help us again. Everyone else that has been rotating in is alts of 2 of the groups. No one else is showing up, asking if theres room etc etc.

I mean this in the gentlest way possible, and please take it in that light, but I think it's possible the fact that you haven't had any new people wanting to rotate into your group may have something to do with the general tone of the posts in the raiding forum at the time we were first discussing the rotation system. Given what I've seen, I don't think it means that nobody is interested in going, because Entourage has certainly cycled in several people during the same time period

Lupus Wrote:This kind of bothers me. There were core groups for Karazhan, and it was rather hard to get into a group if you were one of the starters. The problem comes to light, they start to implement a rotation thing you try and get more new people into the groups, and suddenly all the vet raiders are burned out and the groups are breaking up. Talk of the origonal groups wanting to get back together for Zul'aman, and comments on how you'll need to be heavy Kara geared to be able to participate. That's how it's looking to me reading the forums here.

I realize that this is frustrating and does sort of look bad, but I highly doubt it's intentional. It just happened that the whole rotation thing was implemented when the groups were already expressing getting bored with the instance; I imagine it's coincidental. Content just does get old. Smile And as Sound said, it seems like there may be enough folks leftover from the two raids who aren't running that if you add in the other folks who haven't raided Khara much a new second raid could get up and running.
Fleethoof Wrote:I realize that this is frustrating and does sort of look bad, but I highly doubt it's intentional. It just happened that the whole rotation thing was implemented when the groups were already expressing getting bored with the instance; I imagine it's coincidental. Content just does get old. Smile And as Sound said, it seems like there may be enough folks leftover from the two raids who aren't running that if you add in the other folks who haven't raided Khara much a new second raid could get up and running.

Right. Reread my post, and along with my poor brain farts (i auctaly talk like i type), the tone of it did come off more accusational than I intended. I do not think they are intentionaly putting the Kara raids on hold because of the attempt to rotate new people in, but it is rather bad timing.
Fleethoof Wrote:I mean this in the gentlest way possible, and please take it in that light, but I think it's possible the fact that you haven't had any new people wanting to rotate into your group may have something to do with the general tone of the posts in the raiding forum at the time we were first discussing the rotation system. Given what I've seen, I don't think it means that nobody is interested in going, because Entourage has certainly cycled in several people during the same time period

My response in that post had to do with not wanting the groups to be disolved not with not wanting to rotate people in. I am all for getting new faces in the raid and offered myself to help in the learning raid as well which still has not happened yet.

Now, it seems everytime I make a post on these forums someone with a green name comes in and gives me flak. I'm 30 years old and do not need 'mother' comming in telling me how I should act. I do not make alot of posts for that reason because it seems when I do people take it the wrong way and all hell breaks loose.
[Image: Eatmore.png]
It's just 'cause you're a big ol' jerk, Eatmore, didn't you know?

I kid, I kid.

Seriously though, the written word is a tricky thing sometimes. People read into things, people misunderstand, and sometimes a choice of words can have unintended connotations.

There's only a few folks who've INTENDED to cause trouble with what they say, and none of them are the people who've been posting in this thread.

Eatmore Wrote:My response in that post had to do with not wanting the groups to be disolved not with not wanting to rotate people in. I am all for getting new faces in the raid and offered myself to help in the learning raid as well which still has not happened yet.

Now, it seems everytime I make a post on these forums someone with a green name comes in and gives me flak.

I'm really confused here. You made a statement. "if people who want to do Kara that haven't gone much show up on tuesday I wouldn't feel bad. The fact is we have brought one new person in who wasn't an alt of SnG or Vanguard" and seemed to draw the conclusion that this meant no one wants to go "A big post happens, changes are made, no one shows." I tried to politely point out that there may be another way to interpret those particular events. I never accused you of doing anything wrong, either you personally or anyone who posted in that thread. I'm not sure how my disagreeing with your interpretation of events constitutes giving you flak. You complain about people taking your posts the wrong way, but in this case you're taking my post as a personal attack when it's clearly not meant that way at all.
Eatmore Wrote:Now, it seems everytime I make a post on these forums someone with a green name comes in and gives me flak. I'm 30 years old and do not need 'mother' comming in telling me how I should act. I do not make alot of posts for that reason because it seems when I do people take it the wrong way and all hell breaks loose.

Hahaha... well Eatmore, that is an excellent way to disarm someone like myself. Multiple officer responses do tend to look like we're ganging up on someone. I would ask you (and others who express similar sentiments about posting) to consider 3 things when it comes to the officers:

1) The officers are not a monolithic authority figure. We're just people, and we do have separate opinions. I would personally be happy if the green name went away myself. Smile

2) Tone is a difficult thing to convey on the internet. It means we have to be far more careful with what we say. Please consider that if multiple individuals are interpreting a tone negatively, the communication difficulty may not lie with them alone.

3) As officers it is often our job to speak for the silent majority... people who talk to us privately, and who are generally content. I have heard several people express that they are hesitant to post because they feel their views get squashed by the officers... consider the flip side of that, as there are many who are hesitant to post because they fear their views will be squashed by others. When we have multiple people tell us they don't feel like playing any more because a post depressed them so badly, or that they feel unwelcome based on posts by our members, you can be certain we will respond.

Fleethoof had it right, and this part is not directed at Eatmore: I am not certain several people realize how much damage they did to our more introverted members' desire to play with some of their more passionate posts in that large thread.

And I do apologize for another officer post here. It's a wonderful catch 22 of being told we're "too distant" one day and "too involved" the next. Smile
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."

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