Zul'Aman Sunday, 3/16
If I heard correctly, Jabadue will be out of town for this? If that's the case, I would like to set up another run here, and I will take care of running it.

The time is flexible depending on who signs up. We may start at 7PM to bring Oryx and Zlinka this time around if they're up for it. I know that's late for the east coast folks, but we're used to it.

Some things do need to improve over last week though. I would ask some of our DPS to have a word with their class leads and see where there is room for improvement. Our DPS output got us by, but was simply low. Take it upon yourself to be the best you can be at your class... if not for yourself, then for the rest of us. Wink

Also, with regard to mods. Everyone really does need them. And please, before you say we killed bosses without you having them last week, bear in mind that we killed them because the rest of us had them. That does not just mean Eruadan and bigwigs (trust me man, it's amazingly useful), so don't feel that I'm singling him out. Many could use Omen as well, especially our DPS.

This thread had the omen threatmeter links: http://www.ironsongtribe.com/forum/viewt...f=1&t=2778

This thread has info on the others (specifically get bigwigs): http://www.ironsongtribe.com/forum/viewt...f=7&t=3536

So please, post here if you're available to help out and we'll try to keep this rolling while Jabadue is away.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
Oryx and I can come at 7 p.m this Sunday. We can't wait! Thank you!

I will try to make it but it's not 100%.
I can bring Az for healy or Eat for tanky if you need me.
[Image: Eatmore.png]
I am in
also... Omen and Big wigs now installed Sir *salutes*
I spoke with Vanea and have some new Macros to try also.

Sing True Ironsong!
I will most likely be able to come, though I doubt you need another warrior. I could bring Grommash if a warlock is needed however.
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
I'm in...............that is all.
Okay, so it doesn't seem like I can go Sunday. Best of luck to everyone though!
I can bring Mahiah for healy or Simra for pew pew
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
If you are ever short on DPS after the last calls for invites go out, I could bring Vythika ((affliction 'lock)). However I'd rather bring her after all the mains wanting to go have been invited, as she is my alt ((one who has the needed gear and experience for the place however)).
I think that I'm going to try to open up my sunday from raiding this week.. Good luck to you all.
Bloodbound Demo lock always ready to kill something.(well almost always)

And if anyone read her story on my aplication she has obvious amani problems so if you want me I can come again. :twisted: :twisted:
Cora and I will try to make it, as we'd like to see the inside of the place at least once.
Righteous are those who look up and sway with the wind,
Who look down and dance with the shifting of the soil,
Who swim with the movement of the tides!
Ohhhhh I'm round that evening if ya need me!
Prolly try to bring Cleeyo tonight if there is room.

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