SSC Friday July 18
We will venture into SSC again this Friday. The plan is to start at 700p Server and go until around 1100p Server. Hydross, Lurker, Morogrim, and Karatheress are on the menu.

Bloodbound is not sure if he can make it or not. We also have to make sure he is ready with FR and stamina gear. If not Leo, I am considering Void Reaver in The Eye or Mags.

Kosath will likely have to leave early after the Lurker.

Please let me know if you are unable to attend so that I can line-up substitutes.

Tanks: Kosath (Frost), Serous (Nature), Sbin, Amato, Cloudjumper

Healers: Minimike, Anoximon, Elyana, Mahiah, Coranda, Coranthir, Oryx

DPS: Zlinka, Jivundus, Shantow, Shokaata, Khrale, Thanuist (late), Vorlaith, Dispaya, Solenai, Fritzie, Melikar, Mizar, Aarloouoo

25/25 - Full

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
I will be unable to make it at the start time, as I don't get out of work until an hour in. If you find somebody who can come for beginning but not end hopefully we can do a switcheroo with them...?
Don't think I'll be able to come tomorrow friends are comeing over again this time to celebrate my Bro's B-day so unless they leave before raid time I'm not gonna be able to come.......but I doubt that they will so sorry guys I will try to make it next week.
I can sub if absolutely needed. Please let me know Smile
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby
I can bring Daichallar or Aarloouoou this week. Let me know if you need either.
I have penciled in Aarloouoou and Mahiah.

The tree is always welcome. If you want to bow out, I can try to find a sub at raid time.

Dai, we may need to start with Aarloouoou. I amy need you to switch to Dai if we get to FLK.

And as of right now, we are full. There may be no shows or people willing to sub at raid time.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
Well my friends left so I can make the raid if I'm needed but if some of the subs want to get in there and see SSC I'll gladly just spend my time doing heroics or something.
I'll be bringing Tamubar unless it seems like we need the extra healing from Elyana. I don't need gear, but I do need badges for her.
I was also curious to know if Fritzie can bring Baum in tonight for DPS instead as well.. Smile
Sorry about just disapearing tonight my internet went kaput at the begining of the Lurker fight.

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