Ever have trouble with rebuffs? Hate the "buff so and so!"?

This is why I picked up a nifty little addon called Smartbuff, quite some long time ago, when the BB/IST/HW Endgame raid was still diapered and waddling its way through SSC.

Smartbuff is a simple addon that, through option settings, will display a reminder for you when someone is in need of a single buff you're capable of casting. You can set it group buffs as well, but I don't use that function. It's mostly a tool for out of combat buffing, because the functionality of the in combat code is still not working. It'll still remind you in combat though, so you can manually buff if needed.

You can also set the reminder timing to let you know when there's a certain amount of time left on a single buff. I use a 5 minute expiry reminder. There are also different ways to set the reminders: a message in your chat box, as a splash message on your screen (not huge, and in a moveable transparent box), or as a sound. I use the splash; who needs MORE sounds in a raid anyhow? Especially that tree named Sound. I hear she keeps a colony of termites in her branches. Masochist.

I digress.

A screenshot!

As you can see, you can also set single buffs that apply to only you. I have mine set for Molten Armor and Superior Wizard Oil in addition to Arcane Intellect (AI of course being the default buff that applies to everyone when I use the buff button). One click weapon-oil buffing, hooray!

You can find Smartbuff H E R E on Curse. If you have qualms about using the site (based on the haxor adventures of some), then I'm sorry. But this is a legitimate and safe addon. Check it out!

The page also has a link to Smart Debuff, which I haven't used before, though I acquired it today. I may update this post after I've had opportunity to try it out.

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