WAR - Discussing SERVERS pg 3
I am there too on tor elyr

Saltin the bright mage
Lucrenda the Witch hunter
Girdir the engineer

plus a couple others

yes yes i know more alts .

Must say i like the bright mage and witch hunter.
The exploration is great and the pvp is fun .
Though getting kicked off the cliffs by orcs to my death
was fun the first time second and third made me stop and look for another way Smile

Dwarfs have a very good opening area and interesting storyline with some real funny bits .
Elves could use some work.
Humans could use some humor in the story .

But fun game .
Titles are awesome .
Saltin (mage 375tailor ,375 enchanter)
Lucrenda (Rogue 375miner ,352 smith)
Asaram (Hunter 375skinner 351 leatherworker)
Pahakan (Warrior 350herbs 375alchemy )
Mantiki (Shaman 355miner 363engineer)
Hoti (Warlock 190Miner 350 jeweler)
Have Alt Will Travel
I am Dorin on Tor'Elyr.

A couple of quick impressions of the game: I really like the RvR, Scenarios, and public quests. PvP is actually fun in this game and is its definite strength. The public quests are also a very innovative idea. So far, I find the PvE game outside of public quests to be very generic.

The critical factor for this game, imho, is server population. On Tor'Ely, which is a low population server, I have gotten the feeling sometimes that I am the only one in a zone, and the waits on the RvR scenarios have been very long for me, sometimes an hour.

I went over and rolled a Disciple on Ironfist (Core), which I chose beceause it had a medium population for both factions. The PQs are always running with groups, and my wait times on scenarios so far is about 10 mins.

So, given the strengths of the game are dependent on having people to play with, server balance and population will probably make or break WAR.

Does anybody else have a similar opinion, or a different one for that matter.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
I agree Jabadue. Hopefully over time it will balance itself out. Some on the forums talk about merging the RP servers.

So is there enough of us playing Tor Elyr to start a guild. Interested to see how the guild tactics work and it seems so lonely out there. *sniff*

Even if it's a temp guild until more join maybe?
Now have thanuist (a swordmaster) on top of ionait. And if we could coordiante a tiem to start a guild I would like that. At least it would be easier to find epople to talk and do stuff with
Goji, look up Rogga, Yucale, or Ancale. Tae started a guild.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
7 pages....do I have to get this game now?????
yes, eru, you do
Just because I'm way too lazy to read the whole thread, and to see if people are actually playing:

What server and what side?

A friend of mine got me into it, so I'm over on Gorfang as Destruction. Where did those who still play end up?

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