The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: I'm back kinda.
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Well I reopened my account this morning and updated my WoW account. So officially I'm back but I'm not sure for how long. Kinda feeling things out as I'm still with City of Heroes/Villians as well. I think I am going to be devoting more time to CoH but I'll pop into WoW as well if nobody in CoH is on. I am probably going to retire Lucrey as I wasn't much for Warrioring before I left and I was wanting to play my hunter more so expect to See Brokrim running around.

Hope to see everybody in game at some point.
*smiles serenely* Welcome back Lucrey/Brokim, it is good that you return (thought that sounded better than "Welcome back 'insert name here' *grin*)


Bleh I know I have the same problem with City of Heroes. Severe Alt-itus, can't have just one hero or one class it seems Tongue.

One another related but sad note, I bought a new puter (YEAH) got it built and not working (BOO!!). I'm taking it to a friends to have him look at it with me and he has another friend that works at IBM that might be able to help to.

So sooner or later you'll see me back in game.


I've actually deleted 60s over the years to make room for more alts.


Buh wha? o.O I'm lucky to have the one character over 60 in game as it is Sad I know I suck *cry*


Oh, I'm a useless alt monkey like that. I get a character to 60, or these days 70, and promptly get bored and roll up a new alt. I usually have two or three alts going at once for different flavors. It was my same problem with CoH, but with so much variety to my alts it was so much worse. I'd spend an hour designing one, writing a back story, and then MAYBE get them to 8 or so before I'd make a new one.

I am a true A.D.D. Gamer.



I finally got my new rig to boot up this afternoon and in the process of installing XP and all the drivers. I can't believe the problem was staring me point blank in the face all the time.

Yeah for new computer!


Well I tried and City of Heroes is just got its claws to deep into me. I'm just enjoying takin out 15 freakshow at one time in less then 5 minutes with my team too much. My team also is a lotta fun to run with, cause I tend to run into lvl 48 groups with the tank to do my Spine Burst to do all of 7 dmg to at least 7 minions Smile. My scrapper is only 26 btw, So I usually run in get my spineburst off and face plant much to the chagrin of my defender teammate.

I guess I just enjoy the huge encounters and seein all that nice orange dmg spam go by on the screen. Oh yeah and being able to fly around at 14.

Though I'll stick around on the boards if you want me to. If I find my account si no longer active on here then I get the hint. Good hunting in game all and enjoy yourselves.


The travel options really did sell that game.